Intro: Password & Lock
by Nibras Abo Alzahab in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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Intro: Password & Lock
This project is a simple security system: Password System.with 4 digits.
It is consist of 3 LEDs that reflect the state security:
RED LED: Closed.
Yello LED: Key press LED.
Default Password is 1234 with the ability to reset the it.
Once you entered the old password you can press " * " to start the " Reset Process"
In This Project You will NEED:
- LED *3
RED, GREEN, YELLOW - Resistors*3
220 Ohm - 9V Battery
- 7805: 5V Regulator
- 4*4 Keypad
3*4 Keypad may work also - ATmega8: PDIP
Circuit Diagram
The following Images shows How to connect the circuit:
- Schematic Diagram
Designed by Proteus 8 Professional
- PCB Diagram
Designed by Fritzing
Code Algorithm
The Code:
The code works as the following:
You have two ways to design your code
- Sending 1s to the rows, and check if the columns are 1 or 0
- Sending 1s to the columns, and check if the rows are 1 or 0
When there is 1 in the row and the column that means the key is pressed.
Saving the 4 Keys into 4 Variables
then checking whether the password is true or not.
- if True: Green LED on
- if False: Red LED Blink
To change Password:
- Enter the Old Password: Default is 1234
- Press " * "
- Enter New 4 digits Password
- Taa Daa, Password Has Changed
#include <mega8.h>
#include <delay.h>
char KeyCheck();
char K0,K1,K2,K3,K;
char P0 = '1',P1 = '2',P2 = '3',P3='4';
char Key; int i; void main(void) {
PORTB=0xff; DDRB=0x00;
PORTC=0x00; DDRC=0x7F;
PORTD=0x00; DDRD=0xff;
while (1) {
PORTD = 0x20;
K0 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0x60;
delay_ms(500);PORTD = 0x20;
K1 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0x60;
PORTD = 0x20;
K2 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0x60;delay_ms(500);
PORTD = 0x20;
K3 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0x60;delay_ms(500);
PORTD = 0x20;
if (K0 ==P0 && K1 ==P1 && K2 ==P2 && K3 ==P3)
PORTD = 0x80;
K = KeyCheck();
if (K == '*')
PORTD = 0xC0;delay_ms(500);
PORTD = 0x80;
P0 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0xC0;
PORTD = 0x80;
P1 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0xC0;
PORTD = 0x80;
P2 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0xC0;
PORTD = 0x80;
P3 = KeyCheck();
PORTD = 0xC0;
PORTD = 0x80;
for (i =0;i<3;i++)
PORTD = 0x20;
PORTD = 0x00;
} } } }
char KeyCheck()
while (Key == 'X')
PORTC = 0b11011111;
if(PINB == 0b11111101)
Key = '1';
if(PINB == 0b11111011)
Key = '2';
if(PINB == 0b11110111)
Key = '3';
PORTC = 0b11101111;
if(PINB == 0b11111101)
Key = '4';
if(PINB == 0b11111011)
Key = '5';
if(PINB == 0b11110111)
Key = '6';
PORTC = 0b11110111;
if(PINB == 0b11111101)
Key = '7';
if(PINB == 0b11111011)
Key = '8';
if(PINB == 0b11110111)
Key = '9';
PORTC = 0b11111011;
if(PINB == 0b11111101)
Key = '*';
if(PINB == 0b11111011)
Key = '0';
if(PINB == 0b11110111)
Key = '#';
return Key;
Burn the Code on the CHIP
Connecting Arduino Uno To the chip as Image:
ATmega8 pins are:
Making Arduino Work as a programmer
burning the code using AVRDUDE
We Are Done
That was a very simple project using ATmega8
I hope it works with you
Thank you.
Nibras Abo Alzahab
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