Intervalometer for Sony NEX 5n

by tolik777 in Circuits > Cameras

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Intervalometer for Sony NEX 5n

This intervalometer used infrared LED

To built intervalometer you need:
Arduino Nano (or Arduino-compability). I used Nano V3
Serial LCD
Joystick Module
IR Led and resistor ~200 Ohm
Push Button
Plastic enclosure
Battery 9V 

Cost about 30$


Schematic is very simple


Serial LCD has 4 output: GND, VCC, SDA, SCL. SDA (data) connect to Arduino Analog In 4, SCL (clock) connect to Analog In 5. Vcc connect to 5V Arduino, and GND connect to GND Arduino.

The joystick is connected by five wires: axis X (connect to Analog IN 0), axis Y (to Analog IN 1), axis/button Z (to Digital IN 2), supply Vcc and GND.


Circuit is powered by 9V battery. Battery positive output connected to the input Vin Arduino. Arduino has a built-5V voltage converter that we need to power the Serial LCD. The anode of the IR LED is connected through current limiting resistor and connected to 10-pin Arduino. Cathode of the IR LED connected to GND.

I use resistor ~200 Ohm, you can calculate it via on-line LED Calculator


To save battery life in the software has a function the LCD backlight off. When you press any key, the LCD backlight turn on.

Source Code:

// Article
// Version 1.0

#include "Wire.h"
#include "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h"

#define axis_X 0    // axis X of Joystic connected to Analog 0
#define axis_Y 1    // axis Y of Joystic connected to Analog 1
#define axis_Z 2    // axis-button Z of Joystic connected to Digital 2
#define pinIRLED 10 // IR LED
#define LEDgreen 13 // onboard LED

#define autoOFF 10  // autoOFF backlight LCD

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);    // set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

int value_X, value_Y, value_Z = 0;   // axis values
int pos = 0;                         // current position (0 - delay, 1 - work)
int interval = 1;                    // pause between shots (sec)
int cntPict = 0;                     // shots count
boolean working = false;

unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long TimeShot, TimeLCDOff;

void setup()
  pinMode(axis_Z, INPUT);         // Joystic button
  pinMode(pinIRLED, OUTPUT);      // IR LED
  lcd.init();                     // init LCD
  lcd.backlight();                // turn LCD backlight ON
  lcd.clear();                    // clear LCD
  show_menu();                    // function show menu
  currentTime = millis();
  TimeShot = currentTime;         // shots timer
  TimeLCDOff = currentTime;       // backlight timer

void loop()
  value_X = analogRead(axis_X);    // read the analog value of the X axis
  value_Y = analogRead(axis_Y);    // read the analog value of the Y axis
  value_Z = digitalRead(axis_Z);   // read the digital value of the Z axis (button)
  value_Z = value_Z ^ 1;           // invert the value
  if(working == false){
    if(value_Y > 540){              // joystick up
      pos = 0;
      lcd.backlight();              // LCD backlight ON
      TimeLCDOff = currentTime;     // new value of TimeLCDOff
    else if(value_Y < 500){         // joystick down
      pos = 1;
      lcd.backlight();              // LCD backlight ON
      TimeLCDOff = currentTime;     // new value of TimeLCDOff
    if(value_X > 530){              // joystick left
      lcd.backlight();              // LCD backlight ON
      TimeLCDOff = currentTime;     // new value of TimeLCDOff
      if(pos == 0){
          if(value_X > 900) interval = interval-10;  // joystick full left
          if(interval < 1) interval = 1;
    else if(value_X < 490){         // joystick right
      lcd.backlight();              // LCD backlight ON
      TimeLCDOff = currentTime;     // new value of TimeLCDOff
      if(pos == 0) {
          if(value_X < 100) interval = interval+10;  // joystick full right

  if(value_Z == 1){               // joystick button press
    lcd.backlight();              // LCD backlight ON
    TimeLCDOff = currentTime;
    if(working == true){
      working = false;
      pos = 0;
    if(pos == 1) show_working();  // turn on work mode
  currentTime = millis();
  if(working == true){
    if(currentTime >= (TimeShot + (interval*1000))){
      digitalWrite(LEDgreen, HIGH);                   // blink onboard LED
      digitalWrite(LEDgreen, LOW);                   
      takePicture();                                  // send IR
      TimeShot = currentTime;
      ++cntPict;                                      // increase the counter shots
      show_working();                                 // refresh LCD
  if(currentTime >= (TimeLCDOff + (autoOFF*1000))){            
      lcd.noBacklight();                              // LCD backlight OFF

void show_menu()
  cntPict = 0;        // zero out counter shots
  lcd.setCursor(0, pos);
  lcd.print("*");     // current position
  lcd.setCursor(1, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
  lcd.print("go work");

void show_working()
  lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
  lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
  working = true;

void pulseON(int pulseTime) {
  unsigned long endPulse = micros() + pulseTime;        // create the microseconds to pulse for
  while( micros() < endPulse) {
    digitalWrite(pinIRLED, HIGH);                       // turn IR on
    delayMicroseconds(13);                              // half the clock cycle for 38Khz - e.g. the 'on' part of our wave
    digitalWrite(pinIRLED, LOW);                        // turn IR off
    delayMicroseconds(13);                              // delay for the other half of the cycle to generate wave/ oscillation
void pulseOFF(unsigned long startDelay) {
  unsigned long endDelay = micros() + startDelay;       // create the microseconds to delay for
  while(micros() < endDelay);
void takePicture() {
  for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) {    // impulse send twice


You can download full PDE code and Fritzing project from my site: DOWNLOAD