Interior and Fashion Design With Pixel Design in Excel

by ShivajiC in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Interior and Fashion Design With Pixel Design in Excel

Pixel diagrams are easy to communicate to interior or fashion design experts without basic education.
1. Set context with ChatGPT based on the end audience and the message to be conveyed.
2. Gather inputs for your pixel design from ChatGPT.
3. Search for the pixel design in google.


Google Search
Excel or Google Sheets

Setup Excel Column and Rows for Pixcel Design

1. Select entire sheet by clicking top left corner on the header.
2. Adjust any of the column edge on the header such that cells looks like square rather than rectangle.
3. Adjust the row and column edges to arrive at required square size.

Create the Pixel Art

Construct the selected design segment by segment. Select the number of excel cells according to each segment and paint them using paint cell tool.

Insert Excel Drawings for Regular Shapes