Interactive Doctor Who Computer Quiz.

by steve-gibbs5 in Circuits > Computers

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Interactive Doctor Who Computer Quiz.

Interactive Doctor Who Quiz with K 9  2 0
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Doctor Who quiz video for mobile devices.


In this Instructable, I will show you how to make your own interactive multiple choice quiz game that uses speech recognition, speech synthesis, .exe picture files, a peace of software called EZ-Builder available from, all using a computer that runs Microsoft Windows 7 or later. It's great fun and can be easily adapted to use any quiz subject of your choice, and doesn't cost a lot to do. All that is required is a little knowledge of how to use a computer and a little spare time.

In the following example, I use a Windows 8.1 laptop and a Windows 8.1 tablet PC with the quiz subject being Doctor Who, not just because I'm a huge fan of the show, but also because I have my own K-9 robot dog acting as quiz master, which entertains family and friends no end. Details of how to make your own K-9 unit like mine can be found here, but it's not a requirement for making or using this multiple choice quiz. You can have a robot be your quiz master too if you wanted, but it works just as well only using a stand alone computer. Throughout this Instructable, I will outline peaces of code which will be safe for you to customize for your own quiz subjects and for customizing your computer/robots responses, and explains what the different parts of the code in the script does. Don't panic if you know nothing about computer programming as the elements I use help make the whole process very easy indeed. I'm no programmer by any means, so if I can do it, I'm sure you can too.

How the game works is as follows...

  • You ask your computer/robot to play the quiz using voice recognition,
  • The computer/robot verbally responds using speech synthesis,
  • The programming code executes a .exe file and displays pictures or photos relevant to each question.
  • You then answer the question via speech recognition again, which displays another picture relevent to the answer, then takes you to the next question.

I will go through what you need to get started creating the building blocks of the quiz itself.

What you need to get started.

So, the tools that are required to create this interactive quiz and to make it entertaining and reliable, are as follows...

  • A Computer/laptop/tablet that runs on Window 7 or later.
  • The computer must have Microsoft SAPI speech recognition and text to speech installed (most computers do).
  • A copy of EZ-Builder for Windows software available here.
  • A good quality microphone designed for speech recognition.
  • Some pictures of your quiz subject stored on your computer


  • A good quality third party voice for your computer (Microsoft voices are okay, but I recommend getting better ones from sources like Ivona or Cepstral).
  • A robot that has its own on-board computer, or a robot WiFi tethered to a computer like ones available from EZ-Robot.

So let's get to it...

Elements for the Quiz.

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Questions for the quiz.

Open "Notepad" or "Microsoft Word" on your computer, and write out the questions and the multiple choice answers for your quiz. Write them out in order as this will make things easier later on.

You will need to use your own pictures stored on your computer, so you will need the command paths for these. They can be found by right clicking on the photo then click on "Properties". The command path you need can be seen in "Location", but you will need to add a forward slash (/) and the "Name" of the photo after it. so you will end up with something like this...

C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Doctor who quiz\question1.PNG

Pictures for the quiz.

1.) On your computer, open up your "Pictures" folder, and create a new folder called "Doctor Who quiz" (or whatever you want to name it for your quiz).

2.) Place all of the pictures you want to use in the quiz in to this new folder.

3.) Take this opportunity to edit any picture using Microsoft paint or some other picture editing software to customize your pictures. You can resize them, add colourful borders, or go even further and use a text editor to write the possible answers on to or next to the picture, like what is seen in the video. For example, in some of the Doctor Who questions, I used one picture for all four answers, but made four copies, each one adding a possible answer to the question.

4.) Starting with the first quiz question, rename each photo with something easy to remember that relates to the the different parts of the question. Let me demonstrate. (an example can be seen in the second photo above).

Q=question, 1=number of the question, A=multiple choice answers.

For example...

First question

Q1start... (For when the first part of the question is asked.)

Q1a... (First possible answer)

Q1b... (Second possible answer)

Q1c... (Third possible answer)

Q1d... (Fourth possible answer)

Q1end... (Correct answer picture)

Second question



Q2b Q2c



and so on.

So now all of the pictures should be named according to each question, and each part of the question, and all stored in one folder. All of this will help make displaying the correct pictures during the quiz much easier when it comes to compiling the code.

So with the pictures all done, and the questions and possible answers all ready to go, let's get on with the main body of the quiz by starting to putting it all together.

Setting Up the Voice Systems.

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! On some Windows 8 computers, using third party voices do not always work straight away due to how Microsoft set up their SAPI text to speech program. There is a fix for this I will explain in step 3, otherwise you can jump straight to step 5..

! Another thing to note is about using speech synthesis within the EZ-Builder software. The code example given above...

! In case you're not aware, to get good results from speech recognition using the Windows Speech Recognition program, some initial training needs to be done so that your computer can recognize your voice. For those who are unsure of how to do this, go to step 4 where I will guide you through the process. If you know how to do this, or your computer is already trained, you can jump straight to step 5.

! Say("") uses the computers sound card so everything using this code can be heard through the computers speakers. Another similar command is SayWait("") and is what will be used in this Instructable. There is also a SayEZB("") code which transmits the sound through the EZ-Robot EZ-B v4 robot controller which my K-9 unit has installed, and demonstrated in the first video.

! In some of the scripts you will see in a later step, you will see spelling mistakes and over use of punctuation (mainly commas), for some of the computers responses. This was done intentionally due to the way some words are pronounced by speech synthesis. for example, Daleks would be pronounced... Day leks, and Cybermen sound like Cyber nm.

! When entering the scripts in to the speech recognition control, it's good practice to save your work after a few entries just in case you get the dreaded Windows "Program not responding and has to close" message.

! In the speech recognition control, "Phrase" is what you will say to your computer. "Command" is what the computer will say and do.

! When using a microphone or headset for speech recognition, insure that the microphone is set up correctly by right clicking in the speaker icon on your computers system tray, and selecting "Recording devices".

So with that out of the way, let's begin creating our quiz.

1.) If you haven't done so already, install a copy of EZ-Builder for Windows software on to your computer.

2.) Open EZ-Builder, on the top ribbon menu click on "Project", then click on "Add", select "Audio" and select the "Speech Recognition" component.

3.) Follow the steps above and add the "Speech Synthesis Setting" component. With this control, select the computer voice you wish to use, and set the other speech setting to your liking.

4.) Before you go any further, save your quiz project by clicking on "File" then "Save" on the file section of the ribbon menu.

4.) To test if the voice synthesizer sounds okay, you can run a very simple test. Click on "Add" from the ribbon menu, then select "Scripting" and then "EZ-Script" control. Click on the little gear icon on the script control window which takes you to a configuration screen. Write in the following code...

Say("Hello. This is a speech test. How do I sound?")

then click on "Save". There. You have now just written your first peace of code, or script as I will call it from now on. Pretty painless wasn't it (and if you copied and pasted it, then that's cheating, so no jelly babies for you... I'm joking of course).

5.) Insure your computer volume is turned up, then click on "Run" to hear your computer speak. If you're not happy with the voice and you need to make changes to it, do this in the "Speech synthesis Settings" control and run the test again. Once you are happy with the way the voice sounds, you can delete the test script control window.

So now, If your speech synthesis voice is working correctly, your computers "Windows Speech Recognition" system is trained, and the speech recognition and speech synthesis controls in the EZ-Builder software are now set up, jump straight to step 5 where we start writing some code.

Fixing Voice Synthesis Issue With Windows 8.1

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This is a tutorial to help those of you having issues with speech synthesis working within EZ-Builder on a Windows 8.1 computer. Hopefully this will help you if your a seasoned EZ-Builder user, or if your just starting out. This issue doesn't effect every Windows 8.1 user, as it seems to be limited to computers that have "Microsoft Hazel Desktop - English (Great Britain)" installed in the text to speech properties of Windows 8.1. In North America there has also been reports of MS David causing the same issue. In this case the en-US directory for the Microsoft David voice needs to be deleted which is the same process explained below. This tutorial is focused to solve the problem of "MS Hazel" being the only voice heard when using EZ-Builder's speech synthesis, no matter what voice is selected or settings that are changed. These can be third party voices from companies such as Cepstral, Ivona, and Cereproc, and even Microsoft's own "MS Herra" and "MS Zira" voices. So before we begin please take note of the following...

Although the following information are not Registry changes, you will effectively be deleting system files, so you may want to back them up to a separate drive which is explained, just in case. I take no responsibility if things go pear shaped, and you do this at your own risk.

Now that's out of the way, let's start.

1.) From your Charm bar or Windows Start, go to "Search" and type in the following...


2.) Click on this folder.

This will now show the four files for Microsoft Hazel. Right click on
each file and delete these files one by one. These files will now go to your "Recycle Bin". It's up to you if you empty the bin or keep the files there for a while, it won't make any difference either way to get your voices working. If you want you can make a copy of these files and save them to an external drive such as a thumb drive or memory card.

3.) These are the four files that should show up, and the should be deleted...





4.) Now exit the system files and go back to your "Home screen" or "Desktop". Time to test if the changes have worked. Open EZ-Builder and do the following...

Click on "Project"

Click on "Add Controls"

Click on "Audio"

Click on "Speech Synthesis Settings" and select the voice you want to use from the drop down menu.

Now click "Add Control"
Click on "Scripting"

Click on "EZ-Script"

5.) Open the EZ-Script configuration menu (click on the little gear icon), rename the script control to "Voice Test" (this is optional), and enter the following script...

Say("Hello. You are hearing my new voice.")

and click "Save".

6.) Now when you click "Start" on the script control, you should
hear the script being read with the voice you have chosen. You should now also be able to use "MS Herra" and "MS Zira" voices as well. If you hear a different voice you may need to change some of the voice settings within "Speech Synthesis Settings" to change the gender and/or age. If you hear nothing, insure the computer volume is turned up and not muted.

So now your third party text to speech voice should be working as it should, let's carry on with building the quiz.

Setting Up Windows Speech Recognition Software.

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So in order to get the most out of talking to your computer, and to have a great experience play your quiz game, you can use the "Speech Recognition Voice Training wizard" to train your computer to better recognize your voice.

To use the wizard..

  1. Open your computers "Control Panel", then click on "Speech Recognition".
  2. Click on "Train your computer to better understand you". This will now open the Speech Recognition Voice Training wizard.
  3. Click on "Next " then read the sentence that is shown on screen which will be... "I am now speaking to my computer".
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the speech recognition training session. The Training wizard will guide you through some tasks that are designed to help your computer hear how you say the commands available through Speech Recognition.

There is also some further custom training you can do, which helps your computer understand words or phrases which it may have difficulty understanding.

  1. Open up the "Speech Recognition" program.
  2. Say “Open Speech Dictionary” OR Right-click on Speech Recognition Bar.
  3. Click on "Open the Speech Dictionary". Click on or say "Add a new word".
  4. Type in the word or phrase you want to train. Then click on "Next".
  5. Check the "Record a pronunciation upon Finish" box.
  6. Make sure speech recognition bar says “Listening”.
  7. Click the "Finish" button.
  8. Click the "Record" button.
  9. Uncheck the "I want to make more modifications to the Speech Dictionary upon Finish" box.
  10. Finally, click on "Finish".

Now that is set up, lets carry on with building the quiz.

Building the Quiz Body.

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You might think, looking at the title of this step, that there's going to be a long winded explanation with lots of confusing code, but hopefully that won't be the case. I will write some code examples for you which you can copy and paste to try yourselves, but some small changes will need to be made to have it work on your own computers, and that's mainly to do with the pictures, but all will be explained. All of the following will be using the "Speech Recognition" control which will hold all of the quiz code and is what's used to play the quiz when it's finished. There are two main parts to the configuration menu of this control, "Phrase" is what you say to the computer, and "Action" which is where you write the code.

1.) On the speech recognition control, click on the small gear icon to open up the configuration menu.

2.) You will see that there are already some preset phrases such as "Robot move Forwards" and "Robot Stop". If you don't have a robot, you won't need these so that can be deleted. Click on the "Phrase" input field where it says "Robot move forwards" and it will highlight blue, and now you can delete this using your keyboard. Now click on the "Command" input field to the right of the deleted phrase field, then you will see a smaller window with a little pencil icon to the far right inside of the "Command" input field. Click on this and it will open up the script editor. This is where the question and answer scripts will go. Delete what is currently in there, click save and do the same for the rest of the speech recognition phrases and scripts. Now you should have an empty speech recognition configuration menu.

3.) In the top left of the config menu, you will see an input field called "Enable Phrase". This is a useful option to use as you can pause the speech recognition control so your computer cannot hear you, and using the "Enable Phrase" option using a word of phrase of your choice will un-pause the control so the robot or computer can hear you. It also stops background noise or the computer hearing itself and giving false positive results. There are also short cut script commands that do the same thing which we will be using in our Q&A scripts. So, in the "Enable Phrase" phrase field, write in something like...

Hello computer

and in the "Enable CMD" field, to the right of the "Enable Phrase" input field write...

Hello. How can I help?

Now we will start creating the main body of the game with an introduction. Click on first the "Phrase" input field line and write...

lets play the doctor who quiz

Notice that there is no punctuation or upper case letters used in the phrases you will speak. They can be used but it's not necessary here, but will be need in the computers responses.

4.) In the script input field to the right of this phrase, we will write our first full script. Click on the "Command" input field until you see a pencil icon. Click on this to open the script editor, and write in the following script EXACTLY how you see it below...


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)

saywait("Okay then. That sounds like fun. Let's begin.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1start.png")

saywait("Who became the first T V Doctor, in 1963?")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1a.png")

saywait("Was it, Tom Baker.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1b.png")

saywait("William Hartnell.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1c.png")

saywait("Jon Pert wee.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1d.png")

saywait("Or, Patrick Troughton.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

I will take the opportunity here to break down the above script and explain what each element does. The rest of the scripts will have a similar structure, so hopefully you will find this information useful.


This pauses the script for 500 milliseconds (1/2 a second) which prepares the computers CPU to run the script.

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)

This is a command short cut that pauses the speech recognition control while the computer speaks.

saywait("Okay then. That sounds like fun. Let's begin.")

This is the computers response. You can edit what is inside of the speech marks to suit your requirements. The saywait command, pauses the entire script until the computer stops speaking.


This sets a one second pause from when the computer stops speaking, to make the came run at a smooth pace, and not rushed.

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1start.png")

This is the part of the script that opens pictures from your computer using command prompts. You will need to change what is inbetween the speech marks to add the command pathways to your own pictures on your computer. Using the line of code above, or any of my command pathways will cause an error if you try to play the quiz using .

saywait("Who became the first T V Doctor, in 1963?")

Computers response again. The question is broken up in to sections to show each picture as the computer speaks, which helps make the quiz more engaging to play.


A one second pause to transition between the end of the saywait command, and the following part of the question.

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1a.png")

Command to display the first possible answer picture.

saywait("Was it, Tom Baker.")

Computers response saying the first possible answer.


A one second pause to transition.

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1b.png")

Command for the second possible answer picture.

saywait("William Hartnell.")

Computers response saying the second possible answer.


A one second pause to transition.

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1c.png")

Command for the third possible answer picture.

saywait("Jon Pert wee.")

Computers response saying the third possible answer.


A one second pause to transition.

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1d.png")

Command for the fourth possible answer picture.

saywait("Or, Patrick Troughton.")

Computers response saying the fourth possible answer.


A one second pause to transition.

$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )

This is the command prompt to close all of the pictures for this question.


A quick 100 millisecond rest for the computers CPU.

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

This is the short cut command that un-pauses the speech recognition control that will allow you to speak the answer (hopefully the correct one).

So that's how it all works. The rest of the scripts for this quiz are of basically the same structure and work in the same way. Now the first line of the speech recognition is done, the rest are pretty straight forward and will all be entered in the same way. to finish this step off, I will post two more scripts. One will be for all of the wrong answers, and the other for all of the correct answers.

Wrong answers.

5.) On the next empty line, in the "Phrase" input field box, write in the first possible answer the the first question. In my example, this would be...

tom baker

6.) Now in the "Command" input field to the right of "Tom Baker", click on the far right of the field until you see the little pencil icon, then click on this to open the script editor , and write the following script...

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)


saywait("Negative. Sorry master, that is actually incorrect.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1e.png")

saywait("The correct answer was, William Hartnell.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2start.png")

saywait("Question 2. What is the name, of the Earths twin planet, home to the Cyber men?")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2a.png")

saywait("Was it called, Mondas.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2b.png")



exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2c.png")



exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2d.png")

saywait("Or, Sundas.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

For the rest of the wrong answers, you can copy and paste the above script and use it as a template. All you will need to do is to copy and paste all of the computers responses from your "Notepad" file which contains all of the questions and answers you created at the start of this project.

Correct answers.

6.) On the next empty line after "Tom Baker", in the "Phrase" input field write in the correct answer the the first question. In my example, this would be...

william hartnell

7.) Now in the "Command" input field to the right of "William Hartnell",
click on the field until you see the pencil icon, then click on this to open the script editor , and write the following script...

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q1e.png")

saywait("Affirmative master. That was the correct answer. Well done. On to the next question.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2start.png")

saywait("Question 2. What is the name, of the Earths twin planet, home to the Cyber men?")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2a.png")

saywait("Was it called, Mondas.")


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2b.png")



exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2c.png")



exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q2d.png")

saywait("Or, Sundas.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

Just like the wrong answers, the above script can again be used as a template for all of the correct answers.

8.) Keep going down the speech recognition list, adding in your spoken answers in the "Phrase" section, and the the computers responses and scripts in the "Command" list, until you get to the last question. The scripts for the last question are slightly different, and is covered in the next step. what you should end up with, is similar to what is in the last picture at the start of this step.

Remember the "good practice" method of saving your work after every question buy clicking "Save" on the bottom of the speech recognition config menu, and again on the top ribbon menu of the EZ-Builder software by clicking "File", then "Save" on the file section of the ribbon menu. We are almost finished building the quiz now, so go to the next step to see how to finish of the quiz project.

Finishing Off.

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With most of the body of the quiz completed, we have to sort out the last question and it's four responses. Add the answers that you will speak in to the "Phrase" input fields as normal, but we are going to use the following scripts...

For the wrong answers...

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)


saywait("Negative, master. Unfortunately, that was incorrect.")

exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q15e.png")

saywait("The correct answer is, the third doctor. During the Third Doctor's time, the Cyber men never tried to invade planet Earth.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )

saywait("Congratulations. That is the end of the classic doctor who quiz. That was a really good effort. There were some tough questions, but you did well. I hope you enjoyed playing it.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

And for the correct answer...

ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOn)


exec("C:\Users\steve_000\Pictures\Dr Who quiz\q15e.png")

saywait("Affirmative, master. Thats right. During the Third Doctor's time the Cyber men never tried to invade planet Earth.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )

saywait("Congratulations. That is the end of the classic doctor who quiz. That was a really good effort. There were some tough questions, but you did well. I hope you enjoyed playing it.")


$attributes = "/F /IM dllhost.exe" Exec( "taskkill", $attributes )


ControlCommand("Speech Recognition", PauseOff)

As there are no more questions for the computer or robot to ask, it will sign off with the "Congratulations. That is the end of the classic doctor who quiz." sentence. Now, you can quite happily click "Save" on the speech recognition configuration screen, and click "Save" on the Ribbon menu to save all of the settings... because we are done. All that remains to be done, is to try it out.

So here is a brief summery of how the quiz is put together...

  1. Open Notepad on your computer, and write down your questions and multiple choice answers.
  2. Get all of your pictures for your game together and put them in to a new file.
  3. Rename your pictures so they are in some kind of order of the questions to be asked.
  4. Download and install EZ-Builder for PC software, and open a new project.
  5. Add a "Speech Recognition" control, and a "Speech Synthesis Settings" control.
  6. Change the settings on the "Speech Synthesis" control to use the voice you want that is stored on your computer.
  7. Click on the small gear icon on the "Speech Recognition" control to open the configuration menu.
  8. Click on the "Phrase" text input boxes and delete everything so you have an empty control.
  9. Do the same on the "Command" text input boxes. You may need to click on the little pencil icon to completely clear the fields.
  10. In the "Enable Phrase" text input box, Write in the phrase you want to say to get your computers attention (un-pauses the speech recognition control)
  11. In the "Enable Cmd" text input box, write in what you would like the computer to say.
  12. On the second line of the main body of the "Speech Recognition" configuration menu under the "Phrase" section, write "lets play the doctor who quiz" in the "Phrase" text input box (upper case letters and punctuation are not necessary).
  13. To the right of the first answer to the first phrase, click on the "Command" text input box, then click on the pencil icon to open up the script editor, and write in the first question script (see step 3).
  14. On the second line of the main body of the "Phrase" section, write in the first possible answer for the first question.
  15. To the right of the first answer to the first phrase, click on the "Command" text input box, then click on the pencil icon to open up the script editor, and write in the answer and second question script (see step 3).
  16. When writing the scripts that contains the computers responses, remember to change the EXEC("") codes to the correct pathways for the pictures stored on your computer.
  17. Copy and paste the computers responses, such as asking questions, and saying the possible answers from your Notepad file you wrote at the beginning of the project.
  18. Insure that all of the possible answers you would say in the "Phrase" list marry up correctly with the computers responses in the "Command" list.
  19. When all of the "Phrase" and "Command" entries have been completed, save all of the work by clicking on "Save" at the bottom of the "Speech Recognition" configuration menu, and again on the top menu ribbon of the project home screen.
  20. Plug in your microphone in to your computer... and start playing.

In the Last step, I will share some final thoughts and a short video of another game you can have a go at yourself.


Final Thoughts.

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EZ Builder Rock Paper Scissors UPDATE
Interactive Doctor Who Quiz with K 9  2 0

Doctor Who quiz video for mobile device viewing.

Rock,Paper, Scissors video for mobile device viewing.

So hopefully, if You followed this Instructable and gave it a try yourself, you, your family, and friends will be having fun playing your new interactive quiz game. If however you ran in to any issues, then carefully read though the steps again and if your are still stuck, give me a shout by leaving a comment below, and I will respond and help where I can to get you up and running.

When you have the quiz fully completed, you can use it as a template to make another quiz on a different subject. Maybe you are a Star Wars fan, or you like the Marvel comic book characters, or even a general knowledge quiz, your imagination is the only limit. You can also add more questions or possible answers, and even use video clips instead of pictures to show during the quiz... it's entirely up to you. Another idea is to make different types of games like what is shown in the video above. The Rock, Paper, Scissors game in the video was the first interactive game I came up with to entertain the kids, and that's how I came up with the Doctor Who multiple choice quiz as its based on the same principles. I have used K-9 to showcase this project to show how the quiz can be incorporated in to a robot that uses the EZ-B robot controller which makes playing it even more engaging than playing it on just a computer, and also gives the ability to add more elements to the quiz, such as a nodding or shaking robot head when a wrong or correct answer is given, and much more.

Well, I hope you found the Instuctable interesting and useful, and if you decide to give it a try for yourself, then I hope it goes well. As I mentioned, if you do decide to make your own and you get stuck, leave a comment and I'll try to help where I can. Or, if you want to see the construct of the whole quiz, you can click on "Open" in the "EZ-Cloud App Store" section of the ribbon menu of the EZ-Builder software. From there, look for the user "Steve G" (that's me) and look for the project called "Doctor Who Quiz". You will be able to play the Quiz, but as mentioned before, you will get error messages because the pictures cannot be displayed and you will need to add your own which are stored on your computer.

So, that's it from me. I hope you enjoyed this Instructable, and I hope you give it a try for yourself. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions and feedback as I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say. So from me, and K-9 too...

Happy building.