Instructables Robot T.P. Dispenser

by craftknowitall in Craft > Knitting & Crochet

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Instructables Robot T.P. Dispenser

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If you are inexperienced in embroidery, a simple but fun way to learn some of the basic stitches is the use of plastic canvas.  It can be cut and decorated and whipped together to create 3D objects. The basic stitches used in working with plastic canvas are the whip stitch, the satin stitch and the back stitch.  I was on Pintrest (as usual) and saw a robot toilet tissue dispenser here:  I thought, “I want one.”  Then I looked at the price and thought, “I want to make one.”  I have spent the last couple of months thinking on how to turn this idea into an Instructables Robot.  Here it is and here is how I made it using plastic canvas, yarn (think, “fat thread”) a yarn needle, and some PVC pipe.  Let’s go.

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6 pieces of 32 hole by 32 hole plastic canvas
3 pieces 4 hole by 32 hole plastic canvas (not shown)
Yellow 4 play yarn
Black 4 play yarn (a scrap will do, not shown)
Yarn needle (not so large that they won’t go through the little holes, not shown)
2 - 1 1/8 inch red buttons (not shown)
Red thread (not shown)
Sewing needle (not shown)
5.5 inch piece ¾ inch PVC pipe
2 end caps to fit ¾ inch PVC pipe
Red spray paint (not shown)
1 roll of toilet paper

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You will need to cut holes in 3 of the 6 plastic canvas squares.  In 2 of them measure down 10 squares from the top and 12 squares from each side, then measure a square that is 8 holes by 8 holes.  Cut out the square and trim off the little sides at are sticking up.  These two pieces will be the sides of the head and place from which the ears will emerge.

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On the 3rd one, measure up from the bottom 4 squares and 2 squares from each side, the slit you will cut out will be 2 squares wide and 28 squares long.  This will be the robots mouth slit.  So this piece will be the robots face.

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Next is how to thread a yarn needle with yarn.  Cut a very small square of scrap paper

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and lay the end of the yarn piece on the diagonal of the paper,

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fold the edges of the paper along the yard end so that it forms a slight point. 

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Slip the yarn containing paper through the needle eye and it’s threaded.  Isn’t it easy?

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Now we start with the satin stitch.  In embroidery, the satin stitch is used to cover an area.  Well we want to cover all of the plastic canvas so that we don’t have to look at it.  I am going to use the satin stitch on the diagonal.  If you satin stitch from top to bottom or from side to side, you can still see plastic canvas.  The diagonal is the most efficient way to cover the canvas.  You can create many fun and pretty patterns and designs using the satin stitch on the diagonal, but today my goal is to cover the canvas with yellow.

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So I chose to do a simple long rectangle of diagonal lines.  Starting in the upper left hand corner, pull your needle up through #1,

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and down through #2,

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then up through #3 and down through #4.  Again up through #5 and down through #6, up through #7 and down through #8.  Keep going in the same pattern,

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until you reach the last hole on the top then finish up by going up through #9, down through #10, up through #11 and down through #12, up through #13 and down through #14, an upside down repeat of the first 4 stitches.

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This is the basic pattern used on all 6 squares and the 3 little rectangles of canvas.  Once you have one rectangle (think row) done, just move down and start the next row.  The bottom line of squares is the top line of squares in the next row.  You will need to fill in one small section, so just satin stitch it over one line on the diagonal.

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The whip stitch is really easy; it is used to cover exposed edges and to connect two edges together.  All you do is stick the needle from the bottom of the square to the top of the square, move over one square and repeat until all exposed plastic edges are covered with yarn. 

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So you whip the edges of the holes for the ears with yellow yarn, and you whip the edges of the mouth slit with black yarn.  For all the sides, the bottom and the top  of the box that  need to be connected , just hold the two sides along each other and line up the squares and whip them together using the yellow yarn.

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Whip the face square between the two ear squares.  Now is a good time to sew on the two red buttons for the eyes and to back stitch (Instructable found here: the line above the Instructables Robots eyes, using black yarn. 

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Whip one of the solid pieces to one of the two ends and then whip the fourth side together.

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Next, whip the bottom section to the four bottom edges of the sides.

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Whip the short ends of the small rectangles together so that you a long strip. Whip the strip along 3 of the 4 edges of the lid.   Now whip the edge without sides to the top of the face piece.  This allows you to lift the lid and work on the inside of the robot head.  Now go whip around any unfinished canvas edges.  Almost done!

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Spray paint the end caps for the PVC pipe red.  Let it dry.  

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Lift the lid of the Robot head, slip a roll of toilet paper (tp) on to the piece of PVC pipe as you stick the pipe through the ear holes.  Make sure the tp is rolling from the bottom of the roll. 

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Stick the end of the tp out the mouth slit. Now, stick the red end caps on the ends of the PVC pipe.  Done!  My kids and Hubby think that it is great!  So do I!  Enjoy!