Instructables Robot Paper LED Flashlight
by marc92 in Circuits > Robots
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Instructables Robot Paper LED Flashlight

This is my entry into the Instructables Pocket-Sized Contest.
Darkness is everywhere and often you find yourself stuck in a black abyss without a source of light. Fear no more, as now there is a tiny LED flashlight that fits into any pocket and weighs no more than a pencil, all while sporting a picture of the Instructables Robot.
Darkness is everywhere and often you find yourself stuck in a black abyss without a source of light. Fear no more, as now there is a tiny LED flashlight that fits into any pocket and weighs no more than a pencil, all while sporting a picture of the Instructables Robot.

For the construction of my entry into the Pocket-Sized Contest, I decided to use a pocket-sized tool: My Instructables Leatherman.
All you need:
All you need:
- 3*5 Index card
- 3v Coin cell battery
- LED (that can be brightly lit with the battery; any size)
- Instructables Robot sticker
- Gel super-glue
- Thin craft Styrofoam (see 3rd picture)
- Instructables Leatherman (can be replaced with other tools if necessary)
Manipulating the Card I

Sketch the lines as shown in the picture on to your index card. Look at the photonotes for the exact measurements. Be sure to copy the line style exactly, either solid or dashed.
Manipulating the Card II

Now, following the lines you created in the previous step, use the scissors on the Instructables Leatherman to cut on all the solid lines. Be sure to cut the small slit that is identified in the photo.
Manipulating the Card III

Now, using the knife of the Instructables Leatherman, score but do not cut, along all of the dashed lines. This will make folding the card much easier.
Fold It

Fold the flaps on the side inward and then fold the entire piece in half.

Insert the leads of your LED into the slit that you created before. Twisting them helps them fit around the battery better.
Battery Time

First, cut 2 small pieces of foam that are about 1/4 of an inch square. Then put two small dots of super glue on the negative terminal of the battery in the configuration shown in the second picture. Leaving a gap of about 1cm, place the foam on the dots of glue. If any foam hangs off the battery, trim it off.
Final Assembly

Insert the battery into the paper "sleeve" that was created with the outside flaps. Make sure that the positive side of the battery is touching the anode of the LED and the cathode of the LED is resting on the foam on the battery but not touching the battery its self. Next, fold the paper sleeve, with the battery in it, in half. The side flaps must not be sticking out the side of the light once the paper is folded in half. Lastly, insert the final flap into the inside of the paper enclosure (look at the picture if you're stuck.)

I know a lot of robots. Robot toys, useful robots, not so useful robots, big robots, and small robots, Roomba, the list goes on. My absolute favorite robot is none other than the Instructables Robot!
To make the Robot sticker fit on the light it needs to be trimmed. I used my Leatherman's scisors to cut along the black lines of the sticker. Then, peel off the sticker's back and stick it on the top side of your light. (The top side is the side that, when pushed on in the middle, lights the LED)
To make the Robot sticker fit on the light it needs to be trimmed. I used my Leatherman's scisors to cut along the black lines of the sticker. Then, peel off the sticker's back and stick it on the top side of your light. (The top side is the side that, when pushed on in the middle, lights the LED)

Operation of this handy light is simple. Simply squeeze in the middle of the robot to touch the LED's lead to the battery's terminal.