Instructables Cake

by EllaF24 in Cooking > Cake

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Instructables Cake


Have you ever wondered how to make fondant, vanilla cake icing and a very unique cake? Well if your answer is yes read this instructable and follow me along as I make an Instructables Cake from scratch.



To make the cake you will need:

  1. 2 eggs
  2. 100g sugar
  3. a pinch of salt
  4. 70 ml oil
  5. 100 ml milk
  6. 1package of vanilla
  7. 160 g flower
  8. 10 g baking powder

These ingredients for the cake are only for one batch. You will need to bake this cake 4 times.

To make the fondant you will need:

  1. one quarter ounce of unflavored gelatin
  2. one quarter cup cold water
  3. half a cup glucose sirup( if you don't have glucose sirup: to make it you will need 200 g sugar,130ml water, package vanilla sugar and one tablespoon lemon juice)
  4. 2 tbs shortening
  5. 1 tps vanilla extract
  6. 8 cups of powdered sugar
  7. a double boiler

To make the vanilla flavored icing you will need:

  1. 2 tbs softened butter
  2. 1/2 tps vanilla extract
  3. 2 cups powdered sugar
  4. 2 tbs milk
  5. piping bag
  6. blue, green,red food coloring
  7. piping bag

Making the Cake


First add 2 eggs to a bowl along with 100 g of sugar. Then add only a pinch of salt and mix it with a spoon or if you want a mixer. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).

After your ingredients are fully mixed, you should see no more chunks. Add in 70 ml of oil and 100 ml of regular milk. Then add 1 package of vanilla and sieve 160 g of flower into the bowl. Now you can start mixing the ingredients and while you are mixing slowly add in 10 g of baking powder.

Baking the Cake


If you can see no more white spots in your dough, you can pour it into a big baking dish and put it in the oven for 25 min. After 25 min you can put a stick in your cake and if there is any liquid dough on the stick leave it in the oven for 5 more minutes. If there is no more liquid dough on your stick you can get it out. Let it cool down for 5 min and then carefully get your cake out of its baking dish. This is all just for one cake. You will need to make four cakes and repeat steps 1-2.

Cutting the Cake


First take out one of your bigger cakes. Cut a line through the bottom part of the cake and then make a curve so that the lines will all connect. Once you have the body you can work on the legs. Cut a square in one of your cakes and then just cut it in half so you will have the 2 legs. After that cut out an arm by cutting a line at the bottom part of the cake and then make a line on the left side of the line going up. Now just connect them by cutting a curved line so that the 2 lines connect. The last part is the head and this step is really easy because all you need to do is cut a square and you are done. Now put all your pieces together and if you need you can adjust some parts by cutting more of or adding a little bit more cake. After all that is done cut of the brown crust so it is even on every side.

Making the Fondant


To make the fondant begin by adding 1 quarter ounce unflavored gelatin along with a quarter cup cold water into the top part of a double boiler and let that stand for a few minutes until it thickens. Put water into a pot then set it onto a stove. Now set the top part of the double boiler onto the pot and mix it until the gelatin is dissolved. Add half a cup of glucose sirup into the gelatin. In a lot of stores you can't find any glucose sirup so in the next step if you don't have any glucose sirup I will show you how to make it. If you did find it just skip step 5.

How to Make Glucose Sirup


First put 200 g sugar and 130 ml of warm water into a pot along with one package of vanilla sugar and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Then put your pot onto the stove and put it on the highest setting and as soon as it bubbles put it on a lower setting. Make sure to always have an eye on it because it can turn brown in less then 3 minutes. After 20 minutes you can test and see if it is ready by pouring cold water into a separate bowl and then adding a small amount of your glucose sirup. Let it cool down in the water and if you can pick it up without it dissolving, it is ready. If not leave it in for 10 more minutes. If it's ready add half a cup of it into your other ingredients and mix it well.

Making the Fondant


Now stir in 2 tablespoons of shortening and just befor the mixture is completely melted remove it from the heat and stir in one teaspoon of vanilla extract. Then let the mixture cool until it is lukewarm. Sift 8 cups of powdered sugar and add 4 cups into a bowl. Make a whell in the middle and add in your mixture into the whell. Now mix it until all the white spots are gone. Then add the other 4 cups and mix it well. You can also get it out and mix it with your hands. Since the instructables robot is mostly yellow add in yellow food coloring. To store it put it in a bowl and put elastic wrap on top of the bowl so all the air stays out.

Making Cake Icing


First add 2 cups of powdered sugar along with 2 tablespoons of room temperature butter and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Then add in 2 tablespoons of milk and now you can mix it with a spoon or with a mixer. To store it just leave it at room temperature and cover it with plastic wrap.



Now if you have black food coloring just add in a little bit of black food coloring. Make sure to save a little piece of the white cake icing and dye it red for the eyes. In a lot of stores you also can't find black food coloring but it's really easy to make it. I'll show you how. Start by adding in 3 drops of blue, 2 drops of green and 2 drops of red and mix it well.

Covering the Cake in Fondant Part 1


Roll out the fondant until it's 1cm thick. Now place any piece of the instructables robot upside-down onto the fondant and cut around it. After that measure how thick the cake is and cut a stripe that is as thick as your piece of cake (not all pieces of cake will be exactly the same thickness).

Covering the Cake in Fondant Part 2


After that roll the stripe around the piece of cake and if you need to add more fondant just cut more fondant of and attach it. And if it is too much fondant cut the rest of that you don't need. You don't need to cover the bottom. Each time you cover a new part of the cake don't forget to roll out your fondant again so you have more space of fondant to work with. Now repeat those steps with every part of the instructables robot until everything is covered.

Preparing the Piping Bag


After your cake is covered in fondant lay all the pieces toghether. Now fill your icing into a piping bag, twist the top shut and then make a knot above that. Then cut a small hole at the bottom. Now you are ready to start piping!



First if you are left handed start on the right side and if you are right handed start on the left side. Work your way up to the opposite side you started on. Begin by piping an arm. Tipp: it might be helpful if you have a picture of the instructables robot. Start by piping two lines at the bottom and a dot to the top. Now pipe around the arm. After that you can make the other arm the same. Now pipe the body by piping 3 circles at the middle and a rectangle underneath. Draw a line through the rectangle and at the bottom make a line and add 4 dots inside. Don't forget to pipe around the body. The legs are pretty much the same but start by making 2 lines in the middle and you are done for the legs (don't forget to pipe around the legs).

Piping the Head


Lastly for the head pipe two lines 2 cm apart from each other. Now comes the hard part. For the eyes draw a black big circle and for the other a smaller circle . Now get some of your leftover frosting and dye it red and get some of that red frosting and put it on a toothpick. Now carefully place some of that frosting inside the bigger black circle and some around the smaller circle. For the mouth draw another line underneath the eyes and then curve it on the side a little.

How to Fix Piping Mistakes

If you piped something wrong you can get a paper towel and make it a little bit wet with cold water. Now scoop up the piping and let it dry for 2 minutes so you can pipe again.



If you have already come this far the last thing you need to do is cut yourself a piece of that cake and enjoy your very own instructables cake. I hope you like it!