InstaMorph Sphere
Hey People,
I made a perfect sphere. Its is an excellent piece of modern art. It is also a good base for other projects. I made it with InstaMorph. InstaMorph is a really cool and awesome product. You boil some water and and pour in the InstaMorph after a few minutes it will turn into a moldable clay. I'm a Freshman at Arroyo Grande High School and we did this as a class project.
Step One
Boil your water and mold the clay into a ball shape. make sure to have a flat surface to help mold the clay.
Step Two
You will have probably have noticed the the clay has hardened and has gotten difficult to mold.So you should stick it back into the water to re soften the clay and continue molding into a ball.
Step Three
Repeat the the above steps until you have your ball.