Insect Cooperation Assistant

by jeoncs in Craft > Photography

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Insect Cooperation Assistant

Ever wanted to get up close to a bug but you really don't want to just sit with it in your hand? I do lots of extreme macro and this makes the subjects more coopertive without harming them.


IMG_2477 copy.jpg
1 Bic round Stick Pen (or similar removable on both ends pen)
1 piece of soft cloth
Masking Tape
1 Rubber Band
Fishing string or thread


Remove both ends from the pen and cut a small section of cloth about as shown. You want to fold it over about 4 times and have it not much wider than the end of the pen.

Band Hand? Fold!

Fold the cloth over 4 times then to keep it together use a couple pieces of masking tape.


Tape the cloth to the pen fairly tight so it doesn't slide around and cut off the excess.

String It

Thread your string over both sides of the cloth down and out the bottom of the pen. Tie a knot in the end and trim to the desired length. I would say about the length of the pen coming out the end would be enough you can always trim it down.

Banding Experience

Wrap the rubber band around the pen and the string going back up the side of the pen. This will make your string stay in place and not be too tight to hurt your subject.

Subject Aquisition

This was the first subject I have found so far so I just used it for the instructable. This was a little small but as you can see without really any pressure on the spider I was able to keep it still and get this beauty shot. The only thing I would say is if you have a pair of latex gloves it makes it easier to get it on at least then afterwards you don't need to worry. Using the white cloth and since my macro is so close you can get some good shots without the string in the way.