Incredible Easy Tassel

This publication shows how to assemble a keychain/tassel very quickly made with yarn/strips of fabric.

You will need: Scissors, keychain ring, and T-shirt yarn or fabric scraps (they can be multi-colored or the same color-up to you!)
Cut Yarn/scraps

Cut your yarn/scraps into 16 or more lengths that are twice as long as you want the tassel to be. I made mine 8 inches long. The width of the yarn can vary. The more strips you have, the fuller the tassel will be.

Bundle your strips together, saving 1 or 2 to tie it off.

Fold your bundle in half over the keychain ring, which the tassel will hang from.

Tie the strip that you save close to the top, across the whole bundle. The ends of this knot can be tucked in to blend with the others, or you can cut them like I did.
Use It Any Way You Want! I'll Leave It As a Keychain.