Illuminati Headdress
Image sketch and designing.
Materials and Tools
There are quite a few tools and materials needed for this project:
Materials Needed:
1.Arduino UNO board
2. Case for Arduino
3. Motor Drive Shield L293D
4. 38mm Bipolar Stepper Motor Nema 17
5. 1/8" Acrylic Rods
6. Two-battery holder for AA Batteries
7. Two-way Mirror at least "6 in length
8. two 3.6V AA Batteries
9. "6 Styrofoam Ball
10. Gummed Paper Tape (non reinforced)
11. Gesso
12. Bike Helmet (remove viser)
13. ON/OFF Switch (just need one)
14. Elmer's glue
15. Metallic Luster "Gold Rush"
16. Gold Spray Paint
17. Small Hinges (only need 2)
18. Magnets (only need 4)
19. Wire (not much extra needed)
20. Acrylic paint for painting eyeball
21. Paint tarp for spray paint
22. Newspaper and white tissue paper
Tools Needed:
1. Box Cutter
2. Hot Glue Gun
3. Paintbrushes/ sponges
4. Soldering Kit
5. Arduino Program
6. Mask for when spray painting
7. Ruler
Programming the Arduino
Here I created a program that would spin the stepper motor randomly.
Cut out the triangle shapes, you'll need 4. They're larger now and we will be cutting off the excess later on.
Next we tape the 4 triangles together to create the pyramid.
Next we will be using gummed paper tape to reinforce the edges, as well as using hot glue to reinforce the insides of the pyramid. Use a sponge or paper towel to wet the adhesive side of the gummed paper tape and carefully cover the edges of the pyramid. Make sure to rub the paper tape down into the cardboard to really bond the paper tape and cardboard together. This will help create a seamless appearance.
Now measure about where the helmet will settle inside the pyramid. As well as cutting off the tip of the pyramid.
Cutting the Windows
Next cut out the side windows and the front window. And cut out a back panel that we will use to be able to access the electronics later on.
Taping the Windows
Use the paper tape to cover the edges of the windows. For the circular windows cut strips into the paper tape, leaving about 1/4 in of tape alone in the middle of the strip. Center the middle of the strip on the edges of the circle and wet both sides down, securing and bonding them to the cardboard on both sides.
Cutting the Bike Helmet
Here we'll insert the stepper motor into the top of the bike helmet. First measure about where the top of the helmet will be, next draw an outline of where the stepper motor will sit. Next cut out about 1/2 an inch of material from the top and check to see how well the motor sits inside, making sure the wire port is still accessible. Once its evenly sitting inside, use a screw driver and 4 screws to secure the base of the stepper motor into the helmet.
Creating the Supports
Next roll up some cardboard into tubes (make 3) and glue/tape closed. We will be using these to create the beams that hold the helmet to the pyramid. Take the tubes and slit the ends to create about 6-8 small tabs. Be careful to not cut these off.
I used both glue and short nails to secure these to the helmet.
Now comes the tricky part. Once all three are secured leaving about 4 inches, cut off the excess. Then, like before, strip the ends to create more tabs. These ends will secure to the actual pyramid.
Securing the Helmet
Carefully glue the ends of each tube into the inside and top of the pyramid. You'll want the shaft of the motor to be slightly exposed, we'll be creating a top to the pyramid later on.
Creating the Top
Measure out a larger square than the size of the top opening. This part is also a bit tricky. In order to create an indented top piece we'll have to cut the square into 4 triangles. Once you have those cut out you'll want to carefully shave off about 1/4 inch of material towards the center, leaving the ends alone. Once you have that you'll cut a small hole in the center for the stepper motor to stick out from.
After you have this, cut off the excess cardboard and mount and tape it to the top of the pyramid. Use the gummed paper tape to create a seamless look.
The Base
Next we will cut off the excess on the bottom of the pyramid. Measure to just below where your chin would be when wearing the helmet.
(In the picture I had added the base earlier and had to cut that off, remeasure it, and add it back on.)
Once the base has been added, cut a oval-shaped hole to allow head access.
It's a bit hard to see, but in this picture I added some stops on the inside of the pyramid for the back panel to rest on. Inside the flaps and the back panel I've also carved out small shallow holes and glued in magnets to secure the door from swinging open.
Paper Mache
Here I was simply using white Elmer's glue mixed with a little water to paper mache on a about 2 layers of newspaper to reinforce the shape as well as give a more smooth appearance.
I also paper mache'd the styrofoam eyeball during this step. I tried using newspaper first, but that gave it too much of a lumpy texture, then I tried paper towel on top of that, and it still didn't work too well. I got a new styrofoam ball and just used white tissue wrapping paper which worked much better. I put about 2 solid layers on it.
I applied about 3 layers of gesso, while also sanding a few areas that stuck up too much. I was going for a smooth texture.
Spray Painting
Once the gesso dried completely, I carefully covered the inside of the pyramid using extra newspaper (taping the inside to secure it). Then I brought it all outside (including the tip of the pyramid) to spray paint. I tried to find a nice glossy gold color for the paint. I used the entire can, while trying to spray an even spread across the whole thing. I probably had about 3 layers.
I wasn't satisfied with the gold from the spray paint, so I ended up also applying a gold leaf wax paint. Using a balled up paper towel I applied a good 2 layers to the entire surface, including the tip of the pyramid.
I also gessoed and painted the eyeball using acrylic paint at this time.
Two-way Mirrors
Here I added the two-way mirrors to the inside of the pyramid using hot glue.
Putting It All Together
I attached the eyeball to the stepper motor shaft using hot glue (be careful during this step because the hot glue can melt the styrofoam eyeball). Once that was attached I stuck the tip of the pyramid on top using clear acrylic rods to create a floating effect.
After attaching the wires to the stepper motor I connected them to the Arduino board.
I had all soldered the battery pack to an on/off flip switch so I could cut the power when i needed. I also used shrink wrap to cover the solder joints for safety. Next I attached the battery wire to the Arduino board.
Now flip the switch and see if it works!