Ikea Raspberry Pi Lovechild

by AlexCBC in Workshop > Furniture

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Ikea Raspberry Pi Lovechild


Gaming is the ideal method to push newcomers to the Raspberry Pi to associate it with an unmistakable way of life innovation. It's the ideal venturing stone to convey individuals eye-to-eye with the Raspberry Pi; in the event that it can play each one of those magnificent, great arcade recreations, it can likewise do as such significantly more!

What's more, that is the reason gaming is frequently our go-to extend when it's an ideal opportunity to demonstrate individuals what the Pi is about. Be that as it may, this time around, with the Raspberry Pi 3 now in the wild, we needed to accomplish something somewhat unique, as well. So here's the way to make your own particular moderate, contemporary translation of the great coin-operation mixed drink bureau that uses an IKEA foot stool and a Raspberry Pi 3.

Meet the Gaming Table!

Parts List!

So here's the significance of this straightforward, yet

super-a la mode venture.

It's an IKEA Lack coffee table with a LCD screen cut into the top, arcade controls alongside the screen, and a Raspberry Pi 3 and adornments covered inside the table.

How about we start with a review of the parts you'll require:

  • The Cabinet: IKEA Lack coffee table.
  • The Brains: Raspberry Pi
  • The Controls: Arduino Leonardo
  • The Joystick: A work of art, four-way ball-top joystick.
  • The Buttons: From CPC - From MCM
  • The Display: An old 17" LCD screen (4:3 proportion is better given the square state of the table).

  • The Sound: This match of USB-controlled PC speakers.
  • The Power: A Raspberry Pi 2.5A USB control supply, and a mains augmentation.
  • The Stuff: Cables, connectors, screws.

Disassemble Your Monitor

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The old Acer AL1716 screens we utilized appear to be

genuinely nonspecific, as far as 17" LCD screens, so ideally yours will work out the same. By removing the screen skeleton from the plastic packaging (nothing entangled there - claim out the screws and reward the two parts separated) you ought to be left with the screen inside the protecting lodging that is the very same profundity as a LACK foot stool. This implies once you have the screen, you should simply drop it into the opening we're going to cut into the PIK3A table best.

What's more, by expelling the bezel around the LCD, the screen will sit flush with the highest point of the table, and give you that basic moderate wrap up.

Expel the stand, and any fastens the back of the screen's lodging.

Screen Mounting

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The first run through out we utilized a Dremel with a switch

connection to cut the opening in the table best for the screen, which really worked pleasantly. In any case, these ultra-shoddy tables truly don't warrant that much power device activity, when a Stanley cut does the activity simply and with significantly less chaos. The decision is yours, obviously.

Underneath you can perceive how we attracted around the screen to get the estimating for the opening, and after that bored 13mm gaps in each corner to give the cut-out some pleasant, sweep corners.

Cinch a straight edge along the outside of the line you need to cut, and over and over run the blade along it. Keep in mind not to cut the distance into the opening on the contrary side from where you began. Odds are the blade will proceed and influence a wreck of the pleasant sweep you to put in there. Rather, stop 10cm short and cut again from the opposite end.

Circumvent each of the four sides (it won't require a ton of exertion) and prize out the cut-out piece. It won't simply come free, as it's stuck to the auxiliary filling inside the table, so take mind while prizing it up so as not to harm the surface of the table. Run a blade around the honeycomb paper filling, and haul it out. You presently have an opening to drop the screen in.

Lay the destroyed screen on the table and draw around it. I additionally set up the joystick and catches generally, to help find the screen in its optimal position.

Control Mounting

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Flip the table best finished and cut a letter enclose to the

back. This gives you access to within back of the table best so you can mount the joystick and catches. Cut it out indistinguishable path from previously and evacuate the honeycomb.

Stamp where you need to mount your joystick and catches - we ran with four catches - and penetrate 28mm openings for every one. This is the standard size for arcade catches, and furthermore gives the joystick a lot of space to move without the gap being obvious around the round, level cover that accompanies the joystick.

Yet, we didn't need any fixings obvious on the PIK3A table best, which implied we couldn't utilize the mounting openings in the joystick's plate. Rather, we evacuated the mounting plate and utilized the screws that join it to the body of the joystick (where the microswitches are) to settle the joystick set up. They're somewhat short, yet when you countersink the openings in the table best, despite everything they'll reach and grasp the string emphatically.

You'll have to expel the mounting plate's screws and the ball best, and after that offer the joystick up from underneath the table. It's somewhat precarious, as the plate will be free when you're embeddings the joystick into the table, yet it's not very hard. At the point when it's set up, supplant the mounting plate's screws when going them through the table best, put the round cover over the stick, put the ball top back on, and you've settled the joystick set up with no obvious screws.

The catches are a basic issue - penetrate the 28mm gap, and put the nut on the back of the catch! We ran with a precious stone plan for the catches, in addition to a begin catch and coin catch in favor of the table best.

I was somewhat rougher cutting the entrance board in the back, as it's not as obvious as the table best. So stamp it up, and cut out the base that you require (to help keep up the table's as of now disappearing dependability).

Control Interface


Arcade controls are in reality extremely basic. Indeed, even

the joysticks are adequately just typically open push catches (one for every one of the four bearings). The thing is, PCs like the Raspberry Pi don't by and large acknowledge such basic catches as a controller! So we've decided on an Arduino Leonardo as an approach to interface the arcade controls with the Raspberry Pi (in addition, the computer game emulators the Pi will run), as it tends to be set to distinguish itself to the PC/Raspberry Pi as a standard console.

So each catch is associated into one of the Leonardo's sources of info, which makes an interpretation of them into console key presses. A ground wire circles around the opposite side of each microswitch. Since we adore the old coin-operations, we set our own up utilizing the standard console controls for MAME. You don't need to do this, however it'll spare you an occupation on the off chance that you do it along these lines.

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Download and introduce the Arduino IDE, on the off chance that you haven't as of now, and module your Leonardo to your PC by means of a USB link. The following is the code we pounded together that deciphers the joystick and catches into key presses (utilizing the MAME guidelines, as beforehand said). Be that as it may, coders we ain't, so in the event that you can enhance this draw, if it's not too much trouble post it in the remarks.

Prior to that, this is what to do on the off chance that you've never played with Arduino (skip ahead on the off chance that you know how to transfer the portray to your Leonardo).

A "portray" is a program that your Leonardo will pursue it's been transferred. You can reorder the code beneath into the Arduino IDE window, or download the joined portray document and open it utilizing the IDE window. It's a similar code, yet take your pick of how to get onto the Arduino.

Take a read through, and you'll perceive how each information identifies with a particular console key press. You can roll out any coveted improvements here before transferring to the Leonardo.

Tap the "Apparatuses" menu and select "Arduino Leonardo" from the "Board" choice.

Snap "Apparatuses" once more, and select your Leonardo from the rundown in the "Ports" alternative. It's currently prepared for transferring your outline.

Tap the "Transfer" catch (a roundabout catch with a right-confronting bolt in it) to transfer the portray, and the Leonardo is prepared to shake.

Outline Code:

//element14 PIK3A Gaming Table Controls, using an Arduino Leonardo//

void setup() { Keyboard.begin();

//Joystick and buttons pin allocations pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); //Joystick Up pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP); //Joystick Down pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); //Joystick Left pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); //Joystick Right pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); //Button 1 pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); //Button 2 pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); //Button 3 pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); //Button 4 pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); //Coin pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); //Start }

void loop() {

// Button labels: int joystickUp = digitalRead(0); int joystickDown = digitalRead(1); int joystickLeft = digitalRead(2); int joystickRight = digitalRead(3); int button1 = digitalRead(4); int button2 = digitalRead(5); int button3 = digitalRead(6); int button4 = digitalRead(7); int coin = digitalRead(8); int start = digitalRead(9);

// Joystick Up - Arrow Up Key if (joystickUp == LOW) { Keyboard.press(218); } else { Keyboard.release(218); }

// Joystick Down - Arrow Down Key if (joystickDown == LOW) { Keyboard.press(217); } else { Keyboard.release(217); }

// Joystick Left - Arrow Left Key if (joystickLeft == LOW) { Keyboard.press(216); } else { Keyboard.release(216); }

// Joystick Right - Arrow Right Key if (joystickRight == LOW) { Keyboard.press(215); } else { Keyboard.release(215); }

// Button 1 - Left CTRL if (button1 == LOW) { Keyboard.press(128); } else { Keyboard.release(128); }

// Button 2 - Left ALT if (button2 == LOW) { Keyboard.press(130); } else { Keyboard.release(130); }

// Button 3 - Left CTRL if (button3 == LOW) { Keyboard.press(32); } else { Keyboard.release(32); }

// Button 4 - Left CTRL if (button4 == LOW) { Keyboard.press(129); } else { Keyboard.release(129); }

// Coin - 5 if (coin == LOW) { Keyboard.press(53); } else { Keyboard.release(53); }

// Start - 1 if (start == LOW) { Keyboard.press(49); delay(100); } else { Keyboard.release(49); } }


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These solid shape molded USB speakers from CPC were ideal for this activity. In fact, you're going to void the guarantee, however they're not costly

What's incredible about them is that they're controlled remotely, so you show signs of improvement volume, they're little, and the volume control is flawlessly low profile; we will transplant that onto the edge of the PIK3A's table best by the begin and coin catches. The speakers themselves are mounted inside the table, pointing downwards (so the grille openings aren't unmistakable from the best).

There's nothing extravagant about this errand. Destroy the speakers, desolder and afterward resolder each link thusly so you can evacuate the speaker lodgings. You'll additionally need to broaden the wires for the correct speaker, as they're short by virtue of being in indistinguishable lodging from the volume control board. The 3.5mm jack goes into the Pi's sound yield.

Fix the speakers inside the table on either side of the entrance gap for the joystick and catches, and penetrate a 10mm opening in the front edge of the table for the volume control potentiometer. We at that point utilized warmth paste to keep the volume control board set up.

Unscrew the front of the speakers and expel the volume control. You'll have to pry the dial off the back and unscrew the nut holding it set up.


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There wasn't generally much room left to implant a mains expansion inside the table. We cut a connector into the base, and wired the expansion lead into that. Along these lines we can include a more extended power link if required, or even utilize one for various districts should the PIK3A table end up traveling to another country.

We've fueled the speakers and Pi independently, just to spread the heap out a bit, yet to be straightforward the Pi3 could deal with the speakers from its USB ports. The decision is yours, here.

The screen, Pi3 and speakers are altogether associated into the mains augmentation, driving everything up while concealing the associations underneath the table.

Check a square in the back corner underneath the table and cut an opening for the power connector. The mains expansion will associate with the back of this IEC connector.

Last Bit

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The screen is somewhat defenseless here, so we chose to get a bit of 3mm acrylic slice to indistinguishable size from the table best (550mm by 550mm). It's simply tightened into the table best each corner, and the screws taken cover behind screw tops. It's a shabby method to keep things ensured.

I likewise included a board mount USB port beside the entrance board underneath, just in the event that I ever need to plug a USB console (or other fringe - it could be a joypad on the off chance that you needed) into the Pi3.

An outside USB port that goes into the Pi. This is a decent one, as it additionally has a residue top, since this most likely wouldn't get a great deal of utilization.

Then it's only an instance of screwing the legs to the table best, and introducing RetroPie on the SD card. There's one extra advance you may need to perform until further notice, to get RetroPie running in the Raspberry Pi 3. The designers will without a doubt settle things soon, yet for the minute we needed to duplicate over the "*.elf" documents (that'd be start.elf, start_cd.elf, start_db.elf and start_x.elf) from the "Boot" parcel of a SD card that had the official, Raspberry Pi NOOBs picture.

Not a complex or especially difficult assignment, but rather a fundamental one until further notice. This ought to get RetroPie booted up and running flawlessly on your wonderful new PIK3A retro gaming table. I'm certain it won't be long at all before this progression ends up pointless, obviously - likely when you've constructed your taxi.

Thanks for Reading

Good luck with you own try... Sorry for bad english, I use google translate :D

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