IPad Audio Director

Do you find yourself cupping your hand around your iPad's speaker to make it louder? You can easily make an audio director in just a few minutes.
Tools and Supplies

- 6cm x 6cm piece of flat PVC - See my Instructable https://www.instructables.com/id/iPad-Tripod-Mount-2/ on how to flatten PVC.
- Dremel with cutting wheel
- Heat gun
- Sandpaper
- Ruler
- Safty glasses

Using your Dremel make 4cm cuts about 1cm from each edge.

Use a heat gun to warm the PVC. Be sure not to point the heat at one place very long or you will scorch the PVC.
Mold the two outside fingers over the top of the iPad. Mold the center to direct the audio to the front of your iPad.
Round of all of the corners and edges with sandpaper or Dremel.
Mold the two outside fingers over the top of the iPad. Mold the center to direct the audio to the front of your iPad.
Round of all of the corners and edges with sandpaper or Dremel.