IOT Mood Lamp

A IoT Mood lamp made using a Node MCU(ESP8266),RGB LEDs and a Jar. The colors of lamp can be changed using Blynk App. I have chose Tony Starks Memorial Statue which I have 3D printed to put in this lamp. You can take any readymade statue or you can 3D print as I have did.

- Node MCU(ESP8266)
- 5V LEDs(Red, Green and Blue)
- Jar
- Statue
- 3D Printed Parts
- Paint
- 5V Micro USB Adapter
3D Printing:

- Click for STL Files
- Tony Starks Model
- Iron Man Head Model
- 3D print the required 3D models in super quality.

- I have painted all the 3D prints and Jar cap in white color.
- You can directly print the desired colored 3D model if you have the right color material or you can paint as I did.
Circuit Connection:

- Make all the connections as shown in circuit diagram.
- D2~Red
- D3~Green
- D4~Blue

- Put the statue on a base using waterproof glue.
- I have used spray can cap for the base which I painted white.
- Fill the water in the jar and close the cap.
- Now put the NodeMCU inside the 3D printed case and place it on the base of the Jar(i.e top) using glue.
App Setup:

- Click for App
- Install the app, create a account and login.
- Create a new project, Select the board as ESP8266.
- You will receive a authentication code of the project in your E-Mail which we will use in the code.
- Click on the add button and add ZeRGBa widget.
- Click on the widget set the R~GP4, G~GP0, B~GP2 and turn off the send on release button.
- Click For Blynk Arduino Library
- Open the given link and download the Blynk zip file.
- Open the Arduino IDE and add the Blynk library to Arduino IDE from Sketch->Include Library->Add .Zip library.
- Open the code from Files->Examples->Blynk->Boards_Wifi->ESP8266_Standalone .
- Copy paste the authentication code received in email.
char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";
- Enter you home Wifi Name and Password
char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName";
char pass[] = "YourPassword";
- Then select the board type as ESP8266(NodeMCU)
- Select the port and upload the code.

- Take the 5V micro USB adapter to power the lamp.
- Turn ON the lamp.
- Open the app, click on play icon on top right.
- And that's it you can select the color you want on the lamp.