
by AdrianM108 in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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20160414 001854


The local food movement has been steadily picking up momentum. Across the country small scale agriculture has been springing up in backyards and rooftops, basements and attics, abandoned warehouses and vacant lots.

The Solution

  • IGardening is building a comprehensive set of resources for the Urban and not-so-urban Farmer. The Modern Farmer's Almanac.We've built a sophisticated, yet easy to use device that will help remove the guesswork for new farmers and provide automation and optimization features for those more experienced.
  • The device is deployed in your farm or garden to monitor the key environmental conditions for improving your yield. This information is relayed back to IGardening where you are provided detailed analysis.

Brains behind the Garden

HarvestStation has five station types each with a specialized function. This allows you to deploy based on the needs of your grow. It will be designed to be affordable enough for a small window garden in your home, but able to easily be scaled for use in a commercial setting with multiple greenhouses or an entire warehouse.
All stations are powered by microUSB wall warts which also serve as a means of reprogramming and associating your device with your PC.

What You'll Need:

  • Access to a laser cutter - Try your local makerspace
  • Acrylic - It doesn't have to be white, but it must be opaque (roots don't like sunlight)
  • Growing substrate/wick
  • Miracle Grow (working on finding a better/organic option)

Collecting Materials:

1. Artix-7 35T Arty FPGA Evaluation Kit

2. chipKIT Cmod

3. Pmod Oled

4. Pmod sd card shield

5. Humidity sensor and temperature DHT11

6. Light sensor BH1750

7. CO2 sensor MQ 7

8. Real time clock shield

9. Radio antenna ADF70 and PmodRF2

10. Arduino PRO mini

11. 2x pumps 12v

12. Fan

13. UV led strip

14. soil moisture sensor

Creating the Garden


You need an flower big flower pot, 4 little flowers pots, irrigation water tube some cooper cable, 2 aluminium bars.

2L water container.

Step 1:

  • You need to create the irrigation system of in every little pot use hot glue to stick the tube inside the plot.
  • the cooper from the cable use as 2 pole for measuring the sol humidity.

SensorStation Is Core Building Block of HarvestStation.

Untitled Sketch_schem.jpg
  • Air temperature and Relative Humidity.
  • Light Intensity (LUX).
  • Soil moisture.
  • Waterproof and submersible temperature sensor.
  • CO2 sensor.
