IC-PB (Peebee)

by jaythechou in Workshop > 3D Design

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IC-PB Turntable - Autodesk Droid Maker

A Droid with a New Purpose

The New Empire has manufactured interceptor droid units that can snuff out communications and keep the city of Modesta under tyrannical rule.

Our droid PB, however, has been repurposed and adopted LIYO, a sweet young girl living under the city. Liyo sends PB out on little missions to deliver messages to her older brother JAYCEN, who has been conscripted under the New Empire. Promising a better future, Jaycen sends PB back with news about the New Empire and new parts to upgrade PB with.


Many details about the droids are displayed in the photos below, where I dedicate a page from the Star Wars Visual Dictionary I used to read as a kid, to our droid PB. In these photos I also explain thought process from sketch to final render, and what I learned while embarking on this project.

I love the idea of flipping the purpose of a droid completely 180 degrees from censorship to carrying out messages.

I drew inspiration and influences from real life, films and fellow artists I look up to.

PB's canine shape was inspired by World War I dogs who would carry messages back and forth during battle. The narrative backdrop I created was inspired by a short film called WAR IS OVER! (2024)Dir. Dave Mullins. In this film, a heroic pigeon delivers messages across a battlefield, from one side to the other. I was intrigued with the dilemma of sending messages to a person who is perceived by others as the enemy.

The color and aesthetic had to fit with the look of the New Empire, who adopts their look from the Old Empire. I wanted to make it look like PB still belong the New Empire, pulling inspiration from K-2S0 from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This would help PB easily and safely pass through patrol as one of their own. I wanted to give the design more narrative and so I incorporated a lot of wear and tear, with parts replaced and hanging due to dangerous encounters with rodents underneath the city.

The name Modesta is a play on word of Modesto, the city George Lucas was born in.

The letters "IC" stands for INTERCEPTOR, and the letters PB stands for Paddington Bear

I hope you enjoy my droid I share with you all and thank you for reading!