I Left My Parents' House - Accessory Your First Apartment

by maybinnun in Workshop > Home Improvement

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I Left My Parents' House - Accessory Your First Apartment

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Hi everyone. I recently left my parents' house and ran into some difficulties. In this project, we will show you how we solved them.

How to Make Sure I Locked the House?

Did I lock?
door unlocked.png
door locked.png
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I'm constantly having a problem - did I lock the house? I had to go home and make sure of it many times.

For the sake of this problem, we invented a smart lock. The lock contains a potentiometer, when it rotates to its positive end (i.e. its value == 1024), we will know that the house is locked. Otherwise, it is open.

We connected a potentiometer to the esp8266 component and presented the information in the Adafruit IO dashboard we created.

1. Install ESP8266 Board using that guide: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/how-to-install-esp...

2. Connect the potentiometer to the ESP.

3. Creat new feed in the Adafruit IO, and content a sensor to "feed" it (look at the code to understand).

4. Creat new Dashboard, let us call it - "smart home". for example, https://io.adafruit.com/May811/dashboards/smart-home

5. Add a block type Gauge to your dashboard, with the values 0 and 1.


Tell Your Mom You're Sleeping

is may asleep?

Another problem I face now that I'm away from home is that I keep forgetting to let my worried mother know that I went to sleep, so she can't tell whether I'm home safe or away with friends.

We belt a smart extension to a pillow. using a light sensor, we are able to tell whether a person put his head on the pillow

1. Connect the light sensor to the esp.

2. Creat new feed in the Adafruit IO, and content a sensor to "feed" it (look at the code to understand).

3. Add a new block from type 'Gauge' to your dashboard, with the values 0 and 1.

The materials:

1. esp8266

2. Light Theremin

The Arduino code is attached.


Beeper - Make Sure You Are Always Achievable

Beeper demonstrator
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Another problem I have had since leaving home is that when I study I am not available on mobile, and my mother is very concerned when I do not answer her for a long time.

We decided to give my mom a way to get me when I'm not available.
A LED bulb is connected to a Wifi component, when my mom looks for me she will just turn on the LED from the Blynk app, I will notice it and contact her, that way I do not have to be constantly available on mobile.

1. Connect a Led to your esp8266 device.

2. Build a Blynk project:

a. Configure the app to be based on your board (in our case, Wemos mini 1)

b. add a button

c. See attached photos for configuration

3. The Arduino code attaches

4. press play in the project and run the code, and there you go.


Know Who's Coming

Someone is at the door
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-12 at 19.18.01.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-12 at 19.18.00.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-21 at 20.16.21.jpeg

When I moved into my own apartment, I began to feel insecure when I was home alone. We found a solution for this. Every time someone approaches my door, I get notified about it. That way I'll know there is someone at the door, whether I knew of his arrival or not. I'd know to get up to open to guests even if I didn't hear them ringing and protect myself from unwanted guests.

1. Connect an ultrasonic sonar sensor to your esp8266 device.

2. Build a Blynk project:

a. Configure the app to be based on your board (in our case, Wemos mini 1)

b. add a notification widget.

c. See attached photos for configuration

3. Locate your sensor outside your door.

4. The Arduino code attaches

5. press play in the project and run the code, and there you go.
