Hylian Shield (OOT)
When fighting Ganon, a true hero needs a shield...
-2 wooden boards
-Sculpy Clay
-Spray Paint
-Tools (Saw, Dremel, Drill)
-2 wooden boards
-Sculpy Clay
-Spray Paint
-Tools (Saw, Dremel, Drill)
Base and Frame
The Base of the Hylian shield is made of two parts, the bottom and the metal frame on top, You can cut both out using a vibrating saw, normal saw, or spend hours on it with a dremel tool. Just make sure that they both are the same shape when they line up.
Pre-drill holes in so it doesn't split in half and then drill in the screws. You could also glue the two pieces together.
Paint and Clay
Spray paint the frame and base whatever colors you want, also make the Triforce, the Red Bird, and metal curvy lines out of Clay. (Glue those on too)
Hopefully this shield will protect you from the King of Evil.
Hopefully this shield will protect you from the King of Evil.