Hunter-06 (HT-06)

by argaines06 in Workshop > 3D Design

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HT-06 is a droid from the Old Republic that fought in the Sith Wars. As time went on, HT-06 (though it was not his original name) lost parts and began to lose function. Many years later, a young inventor finds HT-06 in a scrap yard and decides to work on him. This inventor was known for taking old run down droids and rebuilding them and repurposing them to be bounty hunters. HT-06 was his sixth droid to be rebuilt. The only parts that remained from HT-06's original build was his head, torso, part of his waist, and right arm. Everything else was replaced and redone by the young inventor. HT-06 was then repainted to fit the same aesthetic that the young inventor's bounty hunters all had.