Humming Bird Vertical Feeder

by Bluesock in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Humming Bird Vertical Feeder


Have you ever wanted to have a community of humming birds in your backyard? Well, Now that dream can now become a reality! With simple household items, you can easily make a humming bird feeder within seconds. Now, lets be honest, "Why would i ever want that in my backyard?" Well, "Its Elementary my dear Watson!" Today, many hummingbirds are actually lowering in population due to habitat lost and are "red-listed" from the IUCN (International Union Conservation of Nature) by building Feeder, it can help find more safe locations where hummingbirds can live in, and possibly even increase the population in that area.

Overview of the Materials

round caps.jpg

Parts needed to build the feeder include the following

  • (1)15 " inch clear PVC Pipe
  • (2) 2 1/2 inch PVC end caps
  • (4) Bee Guards (Optional)
  • Red Spray Paint
  • Masking tape
  • (Optional) Red spray paint, method of painting RED
  • Masking Tape

Cutting the Pipe


When Finding the right object to place the nectar in, a lot of things have to be place in consideration. Lucky for you, we cut a 7'' clear, pipe (Found in Home Depot) by sawing it in half. This is probably the most simplest of steps in making the feeder. Be very careful and try not curve the pipe, so you can have an easy access in putting the caps

Setting Up Your Holes


Now that you are now finished cutting your tube, we now have to set up and measure our feeder carefully to set up the holes, in which our hummingbird is going to feed from

Let's continue. First things first, take a ruler and measure at least 3'' and 3/4 inches from one side of the pipe, and record it. That is your first hole (YAY!) Now, from your first hole, measure again 3'' and 3/4 on the side of the pipe. Repeat this process at least 3 times from your first hole.

Your tube should now feature 4 holes going from one side to the other.

Drilling Your Holes


Now that you finally recorded the necessary holes, it is now time to actually drill them! CAUTION: Please be always weary on what tool you are using on, so that you and others around, can be safe and be unharmed. Since we are using a drill for this step, please, always be under adult supervision

Before we start, we must acquire our drill with a special drill bit! (The metal tip of the drill)

If you do not know how to change a drill bit, please see this video

You will to acquire a 1/4 inch Drill Bit and drill on each hole that you measured. sooner and later, you will be ready to go on to the next step

(Optional) Protecting Your Feeder


As you may notice now, we will e adding nectar into our feeder here, and placing it into the big ol' PUBLIC, where every animal may roam. Now, you have to remember that humming birds are not the only animal that likes nectar. Exhibit A: Bees. Bees l o v e nectar, i mean c'mon, its HONEY. "But mister," you may ask "did i just make a double feeder? will the birds and the bee's come to a reality?" In which I will tell you, "Hummingbirds DO NOT like BEES!.This is where BEE GUARDS come in! If you truly want your feeder to flourish, then add bee guards to protect your feeder from pesky bee's contaminating the water. Its simple! Glue these suckers in each hole, and you're done!

Getting Ready to Paint Your Flowers


We are almost done with our feeder, it is now time for the main attraction! Painting your flowers! (Recommendation: We ask of you to use colors such as: Red & Yellow, since it is the primary color that attracts humming birds the most!) First, acquire your painting method, (Spray paint, water paint, paint paint, etc...) MAKE SURE THAT THE PAINT THAT YOU USE IS NON-TOXIC, WE ARE DEALING WITH OTHER LIVING ORGANISMS and apply masking tape around the whole tube to avoid getting paint into places where it should not end up in. after applying tape, trace simple outline of flowers around each hole that you have cut out of, then carve them out very carefully with out scratching the tube (and "X-Acto Knife" is strongly recommended)

Decorating Your Feeder


After Carving out every single flower from each respected hole, its now time to fill those puppies up with color! Make sure to apply your respective color on each flower, and be careful on to only to apply it to areas to where the masking tape is. Make sure to wait 2-6 hours (if needed) to make sure each flower is dry and not wet, so your feeder will not be messed up. After waiting CAREFULLY peel off the tape from the tube, making sure each flower is good and ready to go

P.S. In some cases, you may have as well painted the entry way of where the hole(s) are, No worries! simply poke each hole softly and slowly, so that way you do not poke the bee guards off your lovely shining tube!

Setting Up the Feeder With Necter


Fill the Tube With Either Store Bought Nectar or Homemade,

You Are Finished!
