Humidity and Temperature Detector

by billchang1282 in Circuits > Arduino

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Humidity and Temperature Detector


This product is a tool used for detecting the Humidity and temperature of the current environment and shows it on the LCD panel. This product was created based on the following product from this website.


  1. DHT-22 sensor
  2. Breadboard
  3. Arduino UNO / Leonardo
  4. LCD panel with I2C Module
  5. Speaker
  6. Dupont Wire x 30
  7. Power bank or 4 AA Batteries
  8. Battery Case for 4 AA Batteries
  9. USB Transmission Line
  10. shoebox
  11. cutter


螢幕擷取畫面 2021-04-12 180041.png

Reminder: you can use the battery box too by connecting the positive charge on the battery box to the positive charge where you connect other components on the breadboard and connecting the negative charge on the battery box to the negative charge where you connect other components on the breadboard. Or you can also simply connect your transmission line to a power bank!

Source Code

The third step of making this project is to install libraries to Arduino and source codes.

  1. First, you have to download the LiquidCrystal_I2C library and the DHT sensor library.
  2. Press the sketch bottom on the upper left corner.
  3. You will see "Include Library" and click it
  4. You will see the first one said "manage libraries" and click it
  5. Type "LiquidCrystal"
  6. Install the first one made by adfruit.
  7. Type "DHT sensor library"
  8. Install the one made by adfruit.
  9. Now you install two libraries.

Here is the source code

After downloading the source code, you need to upload it to your Arduino UNO.

  1. You take a USB transmission line connected to the Arduino UNO and your computer.
  2. Choose Arduino UNO and upload.


After upload, the source code and your Arduino and components can work smoothly, you need to make a cover for your product.

You have to find a shoebox.

  1. You measure the width and length of your LCD panel and DHT 22 sensor(only the screen part on LCD and the white sensor part of the DHT 22 sensor)
  2. draw the measured area on the side of the box and cut it
  3. You can stick your components in the box and embed the LCD sensor and DHT sensor on the hole you create.
  4. You can start to decorate your box!!!

All Done Congrats!

Arduino Humidity & Temperature detector

This is a brief introduction video of the product.