How to Tie a Bowline
The bowline is a knot that will create a loop of rope that will not slip. It is often used in rescues to haul up victims from a pit or crevasse. And now you’re going to learn how to tie it. BUT YOU ARE NOT RECEIVING RESCUE TRAINING. Do not use this knot to lift a person, as a climbing harness, or any situation where lives depend on the integrity of the knot.
Select Your Rope
Take about 2 feet of rope. WARNING: WHEN SELECTING A ROPE, MAKE SURE YOU USE ONE STRONG ENOUGH FOR YOUR INTENDED APPLICATION. I will be using clothesline for the demonstration, but obviously I would not use this in a rescue attempt. Designate one end as the “standing end” and the other as the “running end”. My designations can be seen in the picture.
Create a Loop
Cross the running end over the standing end to achieve a loop like the one in the picture. It is important that the running end is OVER the standing end.
The Bunny Comes Out of the Hole
Put the running end through the loop you just created.
Runs Around the Tree, and Goes Back in the Hole
Wrap the running end around the standing end and put it back through the loop.
Tighten the Knot
Pull on the standing end, the running end, and the loop to tighten the knot.