How to Make Moving Targets

by Tom_Cox in Outside > Launchers

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How to Make Moving Targets

Outdoor Range Picture.jpg
I have been looking for a guide as to how to construct moving targets to shoot and despite a million on threads on t'internet none had any pretty pictures, so I decided to make my own. 

Hope this helps


Outdoor shooting target picture.jpg
I found this video on youtube [it is not mine I take no credit for it, although I would like to its very good!] 

The only problem with this video is that it makes little or no attempt to educate the viewer as to how to construct the target, this is where my guide comes in. 

Im sorry im not incredibly techno confident so if the video i tried to upload doesnt work i have provided a link to YouTube as well, just in case.

Moving Target Mk1.

Moving Target Plan Mk1..jpg
Here is the first Target. 

It only moves up and down. I did it in a word document so its attached below

Moving Target Mk2.

Moving Target Plan Mk2..jpg
Here is the plan for a target that moves across the range. 

Again its on a word document.

Future Targets

The plans i have showed you are a base. you could add to them in any number of ways so...

good luck and let inspiration guide you!

Thanks T.Cox