How to Make Millions in Runescape

by pakman227 in Living > Video Games

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How to Make Millions in Runescape

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well pretty basic ways of making "millions" in runescape dont buy those stupid guides, their stupid.

This Will Take a While But Totaly Worth It!

pure ess prices (4-16-08).bmp
now your going to have to relize the price of pure essense has gone down but that doesnt mean it pointless to sell in the GE (grand exchange) heres the grand exchange history of the price of pure ess.

Getting the Pure Ess. (mining or Murchanting)

pure ess.PNG
method 1.) mine it at varrock small bank back and forth to the rune shop clicking "telaport" and then mining until inventorys full (you only have to click once to fill up with 28) then bring back to bank and repeat until you get around 5-6k of it then sell in the grand exchnage normal or if the price is at 170 sell lowest or itll never sell youll get around 1 mil. the first time i got 1.5!

method 2.) buy in grand exchnage for lowest price make sure you buy 10k of it then sell for normal price and youll have it sold in a few hours with a 100k profit this is for those who have lots of money a;ready but want to increase it!

thats were u mine pure ess the giant rock is "pure essense"

This Step Is About Making Money for High Lvl People! Not Noobs

green dragon and drops.bmp
ok if your high enough then you can kill green dragon that look like elvrag! inturn you would get many great things from the drop like d bones and green d hide!