How to Make Cle'ares!

A cle'are is a sort of claw thing I invented when I was bored. It was a total accident, but my friend described it as "dang clever", so I figured I'd make an instructable about it.
Cle'are is pronounced "cleer"
you can use it as a claw, or an ear. Hence the name.
take a note card
fold the bottom right corner to the top left one
fold over the triangle
flip over
do the same as step 3
open it up
tuck in one of the triangles
close it back up
fold the bigger triangle in half
tuck in the thin triangle into the thick one
wear it on your finger
i made more than 200 of them. They can be used as a saw if you put them inside of each other, like a RED SOLO CUP!
Cle'are is pronounced "cleer"
you can use it as a claw, or an ear. Hence the name.
take a note card
fold the bottom right corner to the top left one
fold over the triangle
flip over
do the same as step 3
open it up
tuck in one of the triangles
close it back up
fold the bigger triangle in half
tuck in the thin triangle into the thick one
wear it on your finger
i made more than 200 of them. They can be used as a saw if you put them inside of each other, like a RED SOLO CUP!