How to Make an Airsoft Target
by AZNpwnage in Outside > Launchers
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How to Make an Airsoft Target

Here's a really easy way to make an airsoft target if you don't want to bother buying one.
Please go easy on me, this is my first instructable.
Feel free to make suggestions to make it better.
Please go easy on me, this is my first instructable.
Feel free to make suggestions to make it better.
Gathering the Materials

You will need the objects in the picture, a box, airsoft BB's, an airsoft gun, paper, and tape.
Starting Out

First, start out with the box.

Next, get out a piece of printer sized paper or whatever will fit the box.

Put two pieces of tape on both sides of the paper as shown below.
Almost Done

Then lay the paper on the box and crease the sides.
Tape It Down

Now stick the tape to the box on both sides.

Your target is complete! Just start shooting away and the box will catch your airsoft BB's for you.

If the airsoft BB's shoot through the back of the box then tape on piesces of cardboard or anything else that wll make the back stronger.
Have Fun!
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