How to Make a Video Game (no Programming Knowledge Required!)

by Man Cave in Circuits > Computers

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How to Make a Video Game (no Programming Knowledge Required!)

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For this instructable you will be using GameMaker Studio and will be creating 3 basic games. GameMaker Studio is a game making software created by YoYo Games that uses a drag,n,drop interface to make games. You can also code in GML (game maker language)which is a special coding language created for Game Maker.

Software Needed


Tutorials YoYo Games created these tutorials for game maker 8 so if there is a feature that is not included in GMS (GameMaker-Studio) just skip it.

Getting Started

So the first tutorial you will do is the Your First Game tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to make a basic game where you click a bouncing clown and it gets faster. This may take some time when you are done go to the next step.

Creating a Maze Game

So by now you should have finished the 1st tutorial and have a very basic game made. If you want you can keep adding on to it or you can download the Maze Game Tutorial. This tutorial will be a little bit harder then the first and will take some time. When you are done go ahead and download the platformer tutorial and go to the next step.

Platformer Game

By now if you have finished the other 2 tutorials you should know the basics of how to use GMS. Now you will create a platforming game. This tutorial will take a while to complete but when you are done you will have a fun little platformer to play with. When you are done go to the next step.


Congratulations you have finished this instructable and now should know how to use GMS. The only other tutorials you can do with the free version are the 3 dimensional game an scrollong shooter.