How to Make a Projector Screen From a DS

by TheLennyGriffinFan1994 in Circuits > Reuse

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How to Make a Projector Screen From a DS

DS as a Projector screen.PNG
Haven't you wanted to use a DS as a projector screen for Microsoft Windows, TV, video games and emulators? Today I'll show you how to make a projector screen from a DS. 

What you need is a Nintendo DS of any choice, a stand for anything and a projector.

Tearing the DS Apart

Tear the DS into half using your hands.

Finding a Stand

Find a stand that can hold anything to hold the DS top screen.

Placing the Screen on Top

DS Projector Screen on stand.PNG
Place the DS's  top screen on the top of the stand.

Plugging the Projector

Projector with cord.PNG
Plug the projector into a wall outlet. Find a video game console or a computer to display image on the DS top screen. Finally move the projector closer to the DS top screen.

You're Ready!

DS as a Projector screen.PNG
You can now enjoy using your DS projector screen for Microsoft Windows, TV, video games, emulators and more!