How to Make a Portable Chair Pad

by makerguru in Craft > Sewing

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How to Make a Portable Chair Pad

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Sore ass? Lack of padding on uncomfortable chairs can lead to this painful disposition. Make this attractive and customized cushion easily. Bring new life to ugly or uncomfortable chairs.
Tech shop has a full sewing and textiles facility  so you can easily crank this project out. Why buy a sewing machine and worry about the space and set up when you can come to Techshop.
So if you’ve ever had a padded dining room chair that the padding is wearing out in terms of cushioning but don’t want to reupholster the whole thing, this just might be the answer for you. A 2” high density foam pad to put on top of your already covered chair adds enough extra cushioning so you aren’t squirming during dessert  to get up. It’s also portable so you can take it anywhere a little extra cushioning is needed.

Materials List

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Pre cut  15” X 17” X 2” high density foam pad (or one cut to whatever size is desired)
Enough fabric to cover both sides  (3/4 of a yard of 45” width fabric would be ample)
Matching thread
Sewing machine
Scissors and pins
Cutting board or table top would work fine

Step 1 Measure and Cut Fabric

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First measure the foam  pad and add enough to cover the sides. For this project, the dimensions are 15” X 17” so the final fabric size is about 18 ½ “ by 20 ½” or there abouts.  You can always cut a little larger and trim away any excess if necessary. ( which is what I did here) Most people will just use 2 pieces of fabric for this but my fabric incorporated panels and the main panel was in the middle of the fabric so I had to cut the front panel and then sew the 2 back pieces together. A little more complicated but worth it in the end so I would have a more pleasing outcome. If you don’t have fabric marking pens, I often use a pencil so long as the marks are on the wrong side of the fabric and won’t show through.

Step 2 Sew Front to Back

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Now you have 2 pieces of fabric the same size that you will put together, right sides facing each other.  Pin the fabric and sew 3 sides ( leaving the back that will be facing the chair back or the long side open) using a 5/8 “ seam or there abouts. The finshed seams should be 19" apart for the width so it will be snug. Slightly trim the 2 corners as shown to reduce bulk when turning the fabric inside out. Turn the cover inside out but do not completely push out the corners. They will be slightly tucked in to form a neat corner.

Step 3 Insert Foam Pad Into Cover

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Once you have turned the cover inside out, you can now insert the foam pad into the cover, sliding and pushing so that the seams are centered on the side of the cushion and snug against the bottom. Tuck the end corners in so that they look neat and not sticking out awkwardly. Pin down in place once they look the way you want.  Fold the back of the cover down over the cushion and then fold the front cover so that there is a folded seam in the middle of the cushion. Pull snug and pin in place. Again fold the corner seams so that they are neat. They don’t have to match the same look as the other end ( mine didn’t) but just flat and neat and pinned in place.

Step 4 Hand Sew Final Edge

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Hand sew a stitch along the pinned seams on the fourth side and tie off with a knot. Hand sew the front end of the cushion where the ends were tucked in so they stay in place.

Step 5 Finished Chair Pad

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Here is the final cushion shown on a dining chair, both sides being reversible.
Your ass will thank you for this easy to do project.