How to Make a Booklamp

by thingygoboom in Workshop > Lighting

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How to Make a Booklamp

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This instructable will teach you how to make a simple booklamp for one person to use. Its easy, affordable and the battery and LED are replacable.


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These are the few things you willl need: A pair of pliers or two, a bullclip, a coat hanger, tape, an LED and a battery for the LED

Making the Coat Hanger Into the Correct Shape

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Just bend the coat hanger like so and halve it, the cirlce for the corner is important. Its hard so use those pliers!!


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mummify the ends of the coat hanger in tape around the bullclip. To get the coat hanger to go to the bullclip i just bent it up.

Attach LED and Battery

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Wrap tape around the batery and slide the LED into place so that it turns on. You should put the two wires on the top of he stand very close together so that when you slide the LED and battery into place, you can keep them there.


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Put the clip on the back of a book! Depending on the strength of the LED and the battery you may be able to readin pitch black (i can).