How to Make a NERF Halo 3 Battle Rifle

by legoman111 in Outside > Launchers

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How to Make a NERF Halo 3 Battle Rifle


In case anyone is a NERF and Halo fanatic (I am), this will teach you how to make a NERF blaster combo that looks like a Halo 3 BR55HB SR Battle Rifle with no modification.

Things You Need

You will need a NERF Rayven CS-18(N-Strike or Elite), a Recon or Retaliator barrel extension(Retaliator Extension looks better with Elite Rayven) , and any kind of scope(i.e. Tactical Scope) or any kind of light(i.e. Recon "Laser" sight/light), and paint(optional).


Attach the scope/light onto the top tactical rail of the Rayven, then attach the barrel extension to the front. You're done!


Feel free to paint the whole thing black(leave the orange muzzle on the Rayven and barrel extension) to make it look more realistic. Maybe a light on the bottom?