How to Make a K'nex Solar Alarm Clock With Built in Small Electronics Charger and Lockbox.
by Killer~SafeCracker in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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How to Make a K'nex Solar Alarm Clock With Built in Small Electronics Charger and Lockbox.

Anyway this project works by harnessing the sun, using the solar motor sold by You set the Solar Receiving Unit or (SRU) on your windowsill or wherever the sun first shines in the morning. Then when the sun hits the solar panel it turns on the motor. On the main shaft there is a gray clip that spins and hits a plastic ball, which in turn makes an annoying noise to wake you up.
This also has a power button to turn it off once you are up. Although it is still smart to close the cover on the solar receiving unit when you get up to prevent a burned out motor.
The main down-fall of this device is that the sun does not shine through everyone’s window at the same time every morning. But don’t worry there are still ways to make it work as long as you have a window in your room. Check out the last step.
*EDIT* This Instructable hit 4.16 stars within 2 hours of posting.
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Oh yeah...This is also my twentieth Instructable so yeah!!
Part Count

1 the wire to hook up the motor with the panel
The part most won't have is the motor. doesn't sell/make them anymore, but Ebay is always a good place to search for anything.
Step 1

Okay, in the first 10 steps you will be building the Solar Receiving Unit.
First off we need to build the "locking" part of the solar receiving unit.
This shouldn't really be that hard.
Step 2

Step 3

Next, add all 24 connectors to the part we made in the last step.
Go ahead and get two blue and black hinges. We will need them in the next step.
Step 4

Now, get the two hinges I told you about in the last step. Add them to one of the ends of the "Green block". That is what you see in the first picture.
Next you need to add the part you made in the first step. That's what you see in the second picture.
Step 5

Alright, go ahead and build these. It's shouldn't be that hard.
Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

So all you need to do now is make these three parts, then connect them together.
Step 9

Step 10

You're done with the Solar Receiving Unit. Now onto the hard stuff.
Step 11

To start off make the parts in the first two pictures. Now set them up like the third picture. Then like snap them together like the forth picture
Step 12

First get 13 white rods then add the 13 white rods to the top like so.
Step 13

Step 14

Good job, onto the door.
Step 15

Next, make the panel in picture 4 and connect like so.
Step 16

Finaly add a green rod where shown.
Step 17

Step 18

Again these are going to be big parts but I think you can handle it. First off build the parts in the first two pictures. Then line them up like the third picture, and snap them together.
Step 19

Go and line up the panel with the body. Then snap it in like so.
Step 20

Step 21

Make the things in the first picture. Notice the direction of the tan clips. Then slide the rods through the holes in the panel. One of them should lock and the other will spin. Then add 5 gray clips to one of the rods and 3 gray spacers and one blue spacer to the other one.
Step 22

Step 23

Step 24

Step 25

Step 26

Step 27

First slide a blue spacer over the drive shaft. Then put a blue gear over the shaft and lock it in like so.
Step 28

Step 29

Step 30

Step 31

Step 32

Build the big panel then slide it over the rods and snap it in.
Step 33

Let's finish this puppy up.
Let's add a blue spacer and a blue clip to the top of the shaft. Then build these two pieces and snap them together. Place it on the yellow connector like so. And you're done.
Finishing It Up.

First set the solar receiving unit or (SRU) where the sun first shines in the morning, for me that is on a stool like this. Make sure the wire is plugged into the SRU and the clock. Also don't forget to open it up.
When the sun hits the solar panel on the SRU it will turn on the motor. When it finally wakes you up, you can hit the power button and it will turn off. But it is still smart to close up the SRU to prevent a burned out motor, seeing that doesn't sell them anymore.
If the sun doesn't come up in the morning in your room or it just comes up too late. Try hanging it outside your window, I tried it and it still closed.
Also to charge your small electronic, just plug it in and slide it in the clock.
The "lockbox" is easy enough to figure out. Just pull it out or push it in. The green rod will keep the door closed.
You're Done

I hope you have fun with this and I hope it works well for you.
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