How to Make a Crazy-Quilt Top

by wyoming16 in Craft > Sewing

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How to Make a Crazy-Quilt Top


This is a patchwork quilt that I made for my 9th grade English class. We had to make a project and write a step by step paper on it. I started with a pattern for the squares, and then switched to just making squares in no particular patterned size.

My answers to the Make-To-Learn contest:

What did you make?

I made a crazy-top quilt for my 9th grade English class. It is a queen-sized quilt that has many colors. I used a basic block quilt pattern for the size and shape, which I then turned into a crazy-quilt pattern.

How did you make it?

I looked around my house to see if I had any fabric that I wanted in my quilt and was available for my use. I also went to DI and Savers to look at bed sheets that were the right size, weave, color, and price. When I found ones I liked, I bought them and brought them home to become a part of my quilt.

When I thought I had all the fabric I would need I started cutting out the pieces. I had several odd shaped scraps that I had to make into even sided squares. This was a little tricky at first until I learned how to do it faster, more efficiently, and more easily. My mother taught me how to properly cut the fabric for this.

In order for me to be able to sew the pieces together I had to be able to pin them properly. Once they were pinned I ran them through the sewing machine. As the time went on more and more pieces were dangling of the edge of the sewing machine. As this happened I had to be more careful about how I moved the pieces so that I wouldn't end up resewing pieces that didn't need to be.

Where did you make it?

I made the quilt in my house; the rest of the time I made it at a church in a sewing class. I got help from my mother, sister, and my youth group leaders.

What did you learn?

From this project I learned about quilt making, the different kinds of quilt patterns, how to cut and pin fabric correctly, how to not stab my self with pins while sewing, and how to sew on a sewing machine. It definitely challenged my sewing skills and my patience. I also learned that when making a quilt there is a special type of stuffing that you are supposed to use. Overall, this project requires patience, sewing machine abilities, pinning and cutting abilities, and a good sense of humor.