Run a 4017 Decade Counter for One Cycle Then Stop
by snotty in Circuits > Electronics
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Run a 4017 Decade Counter for One Cycle Then Stop

When making any electronic projects, have you wanted a sequence of events to transpire once and then wait for a trigger input? In my case I'm making a heart rate monitor with a funky visual display.
Well here's a handy way that uses the 4017 decade counter chip.
I used a 555 timer chip to regulate the timing of the sequence.
This instructable assumes you know how to use a breadboard and set up a 555 chip in astable mode.
The circuit starts when you push a button or give it a digital input to. It is active low, meaning the digital input must be a pulse to Minus or a brief connection to GROUND.
I've explained how to in the video in the next step.
Well here's a handy way that uses the 4017 decade counter chip.
I used a 555 timer chip to regulate the timing of the sequence.
This instructable assumes you know how to use a breadboard and set up a 555 chip in astable mode.
The circuit starts when you push a button or give it a digital input to. It is active low, meaning the digital input must be a pulse to Minus or a brief connection to GROUND.
I've explained how to in the video in the next step.
Connect Pin 15,13 and 3 Together

The GO Button

Connect a button from pin 15, 13, or 3 to ground. When the circuit is waiting, this will kickstart it again by overwhelming the positive voltage from pin 3 and connecting pins 15 and 13 to ground.
Handily the button needs no debounce system because this circuit functions as a debouncer.
And of course you could trigger the circuit using something other than a push button. But I'll leave that up to y'all.
That's it. Pretty simple but handy for any one-time sequences you want to run.
Have fun kids.
Please leave me a comment if this was useful to you :)
Handily the button needs no debounce system because this circuit functions as a debouncer.
And of course you could trigger the circuit using something other than a push button. But I'll leave that up to y'all.
That's it. Pretty simple but handy for any one-time sequences you want to run.
Have fun kids.
Please leave me a comment if this was useful to you :)