How to Design and Visualize a HOODIE

by Roboi in Craft > Fashion

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How to Design and Visualize a HOODIE

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It amazing when I started to think about designing clothing. I had no idea where to start, bud the idea to create clothing started to grow on me. Finally i wanted to draw a hoodie. Bud not just a hoodie...bud the perfect hoodie for me. Precisely like i want it. And if you follow these steps you can create the perfect hoodie for you. Precisely like you want it.

This instructabol shows my creative proses from designing a hoodie to making a visual. What sorts of steps i use to design and visualize. The drawing is done in sketchbook pro withs is really nice drawing software.

Enjoy !

LOOK UP Inspiration!

Look on-line for some nice inspiration. I like sports, colors, lights and more stuff like that. ill sometime just spend time looking at video's and soaking and thinking about it. 

fashion designer. 

and some Awesome inspiration! 

Digital Sketching!

Start making small hoodies. They don't have to have a great amount of details. It is more like, how many hoodies can you draw in 30 min. when you have an idea how your ideal hoodie looks like. You can draw it whit colors and add more details. Just feel free enjoy the process. 

When you finished the drawing think about a people-group that will wear your hoodie. And go do some research on them. Now thing about what you would like to wear if you were one of them. Maby you can aks yourself what do you want in a hoodie?. What is just perfect?

I just sketch some ideas. Not working loner on them then 3 minints each. They are fast, and have to be fast.. ill be doing this until i get a idea that i want to work out. I often more look at shapes and just detailing the picture in my mind. This all before spending hours of time on it.

these are some tutorials on digital sketching. enjoy


Foto Editing Your Hoodie!

When you have made the design in skechtbook pro the concept is finished. Find pictures on the Internet whits have the right fabric and color for the hoodie. And just try to find components of the hoody in other pieces of existing photos. Also look up buttons and other items that you need. 

Open the items in photoshop and compose your hoodie or design.
 If you don't have photoshop. No problem try a photoshop download trail. Or maby even better freeware program whit no end!!! A easy program and more or less like photoshop bud free and does the job perfectly.
try realy nice and works all the things you need.

if you are kinda new to photo-shoping no worries there a lot of good turtorals on any topic of photoshop online. Just to compose the hoodie can be done whit basic skills of selecting, cutting, earesing, transfoming and a bith of touching up whit the clone brush.

here are the skill you need to make it work

how to start transforming in photoshop

selecting in photoshop

This one is just funny.. :)


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women beach wall hooded 3888x2592 wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_62.jpg
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Look up in a video a nice action photo whit the right pose. Just to give an impression on how the look of the hoodie would look like in real life! Let it Look awesome, just look at a right angle and position for you visual. the product looks used before it is being fabricated. get some nice mood photos just to stimulate the right feeling and fuel you creativity. Clothing is more the fabric alone. 

If you cant find a good action foto. ill have a tip.
You can look up on tube some really extreme sports. Just pause at the right frame take a print-screen. and voilĂ  you picture.

this is the one i watched and jused to extract a nice composition for my hoodie design.

Frame photo shot taken at 1:49 AWESOME

Photoshopping the Hoodie in the Visual.

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Now take the cool screen-shot you made and start modifying it. Model the hoddie in there. Just use your skills as in step 4. Now you can go and open all the the documents that you have made. Look carefully at you design, do you want to change something? Make sure all the changes are done before photoshopping your design. Or else you get into the danger of loosing your design flow. And you end up whit a totally different hoodie than you did design in the first place. 

Cut out the sleeves on the picture whit the hoodie you downloaded. copy paste the sleeves over the original sleeves and edit them all in the right position by cropping and scaling and so on.

Do this for all the part of the sweater. until the hoodie is done. 
Now add light effects and some motion by adding more dust and color. 

After customizing all things the hoodie visual is done and you have a impression on how the hoodie looks like in real life.

Thanks for watching!