How to Clean a Peanut Butter Jar

by everettdale in Living > Cleaning

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How to Clean a Peanut Butter Jar

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If you ever need to clean a peanut butter jar here is a quick way.

Egg Shells

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Toss some egg shells into the jar. Two or three should do fine.


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Add a little warm water from the tap. Fill the jar about 1/3 full and put the top back on.


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Shake the jar for about a minuet or so. The egg shells will break up and scrub the sides of the jar. Try to get the water to slosh back and forth, not swirl.

Rinse and Repeat

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Pour the water and shells out into a strainer of some sort. Notice how the shells broke into smaller pieces. At this point you might want to repeat step 3.


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Now you have a nice clean jar. There might still be some residue left but it will wipe out pretty easy. At lest a lot better then before you started.