How to Build a Card House

In this instructable, I will show you how to build a simple card house.I will also show you some of my card houses. Please do not critisize this instructable, some people out there really don't know how to make a house of cards.

this step is very simple, just make two cards lean towards eachother so it makes a triangle.
Base and Alternative

you can go two ways with this one, you can add another triangle and top it with one card laying on top(1),or you can lean 2 more cards on the open sides of the triangle(2). the traditional card house is the first one. if you are doing the other, simply top it with a card laying horizontally(3)
Finish It.

now just make one more triangle on top of the other two.this may be tricky because the cards constantly slip up and knock it over, then u gotta start all over again...and who wants that?
My Card Houses

Here are some of my card houses, they take time and practice to make, so don't get frusturated if you can't do it.
My Nearly Indestructable Card House

haha, i built this card house so well, when i went to destroy it by shooting it with wouldn't fall down! so i had do do it by hand