How to Breed Eggs
Everybody's always wondered what came first... The chicken, or the egg? Well I can't answer that but, I can tell you how to breed eggs!
Find Some Adult Eggs.
Adult eggs are hard to find, but if you head to your local super market I'm sure they'll have adult eggs. If you can't find adult eggs; buy some baby eggs, wait ten years, and then you'd have adult eggs!
Get a Privacy Box!
Eggs need privacy to breed silly! So, go find a card board box and leave two eggs (or three if your freaky naughty) alone all night, and maybe, just maybe you'll get baby eggs!
Now You Have Baby Eggs!!!!!!
If your eggs bred correctly, you should have baby eggs within the next few days! If not, try again. After five trys, diagnose your male egg with e.d. or infertility, or diagnose your female egg with infertility.