How to Add a Marker to a CRPSHARE (CommunityWalk) Map

by marktirpak in Circuits > Software

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How to Add a Marker to a CRPSHARE (CommunityWalk) Map

This instructable will walk you through adding a marker to a CRPSHARE map. These maps are hosted by CommunityWalk and are powered by Google maps technology.

You will need a CommunityWalk account (free) to contribute to CRPSHARE maps - getting an account is covered in this instructable.

You can also use your CommunityWalk account to create your own maps and/or "participatory" (or "social") mapping projects - like the CRPSHARE maps, where people contribute their own information to themed maps. Very cool!

CommunityWalkhas tutorials of its own, but I wrote this instructable to make it as simple as possible for the CRP community to contribute to the CRPSHARE maps that I've created.

I also wanted to use this instructable to introduce CRPers l to the world of online tutorials - and to encourage CRPers to PLEASE contribute instructables of their own to this group. It's easy!

Finally, this instructable also teaches some basic html coding - you will need it to get the most out of your map markers, 'including the ability to add additional web links and an email link in your marker descriptions.

Hopefully, it will all make sense - and this intructable will seem a bit of an overkill.

So, enough typing - let's get started!

Go to

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Go to and click on the map that you want to add a marker to.

Currently, there is:
- an Alumni Map (to let the CRP community know where you are and what you are doing now)
- a Jobs & Internships Postings Map (for job & internship announcements)
- a Completed Internships Map (to track where CRPers have completed internships - and to share about these experiences)
- a Course Community Projects Map (to track where the CRP program has completed community-based projects as a part of classroom instruction - to share what was accomplished and suggest next steps)

These maps need the info of CRP community members to be useful - so please post what you can!

NOTE: These maps are PUBLIC - meaning anyone can view them. People can comment on your posts and the map itself (as registered CommunityWalk users), but only you can edit the marker that you place.

Log In

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Once the map you selected downloads (could take a minute), click on “login” – in the upper right corner.

If you are already logged in, the link will say "Logout."

Log in or Register

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The next page that you go to will look like this.

If you don’t have a CommunityWalk account, click register – if you do have an account, log in

Register for an Account

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If you don't have a CommunityWalk account, you will need to complete the form below . . .

Completing Your CommunityWalk Account Set Up

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When you get to this page (after completing the registration form) – don’t continue on to view the maps (your access will be limited, and you won't be able to add a map marker). Instead, go to the email account that you entered with your registration . . .

Go to Your Email Account to Complete CommunityWalk Account Registration

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When you go to the email account that you provided with your registration, there should be a message like this - open it up!

Verify Your CommunityWalk Account

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Note your username and password – and click on one of the links provided to verify your account registration (or copy and paste the link into your web browser).

Your Account Is Verified!

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When you click on the link in your email, you should be taken to a page that looks like this.

Instead of clicking on the “continue to your maps page” link (which will take you to a page where you can create your own maps!) – go back to

Going to a CRPSHARE Map As a Logged in User

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Now when you click on a map and go to it, you should be logged in (the screen will say logout now in the upper right corner)
If you are not logged in (the upper right corner will say login) – click on the link and login

Adding a Map Marker

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You can now add a marker – click on add a marker to begin!

Adding a Marker by Address

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It is probably easiest to add a marker by address Click "add" after you have entered the address for your marker. Remember, maps are PUBLIC - share only the info that you are comfortable sharing with the public.

Adding Information to a Marker

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Once this window appears, you can add your information. Only you can edit or delete this marker (other people can add comments to it). You can move your marker, too - now or later on.

The Special Functions feature is for adding more advanced internal links (links from one map marker to another on the same map). I haven't really explored that. The next step will provide you some basic html coding,for adding additional web links and an email link to the description box of your marker.

NOTE: along with the directions for html coding provided next (for adding links to your description box), you can also add weblinks in the website box - just cut and paste in the address you want your marker title to link to!

You can also make your title link to your email by including the following mailto: command.

Click on website. When the "http" appears, backspace and delete it. type mailto:

This will make your title link to your email once your marker is saved.

Adding an Email Link to Your Marker Description

step 13.jpg
You can add html coding to your description to add an email link.

This html code will create an email link:
<a href=" Map Marker"></a>

Change the bold text, and the text that appears as a link will change
Change the italic text, and the subject line of the email will change
Be sure to enter your own email address

Once you have your code entered in / pasted in your description box, click "save."

Look, an Email Link!

step 14.jpg
An email link is now in the description box. You can edit your description more by clicking edit.

Adding Additional Web Links to Your Map Marker Description

step 15.jpg
This code will let you add web links to your marker descriptions.

<a href="" target="_blank">crpshare</a>

Change the bold text, and add the website that you want to link to.
Change the italic text, and the text of the link will change.
The target="_blank" command makes sure that when you click on your link, a new web page opens up.

Look, a Web Link!

step 16.jpg
Whump, there it is!

Linking to Documents, Pdfs, Sound Files, Etc.

You can build links from your map marker descriptions to files on the web, as well - using the code provided in step 15.

This includes files that you upload to the web via your UT Webspace account (if you have one) - including Word documents, pdfs, powerpoint presentations, sound files, etc..

To do so, you will need a directory that has been set so that the public can read it and the files posted in it.

For example., this link will take you to a sample public directory I created in my webspace account and the files that are in it.

You can also link directly to files that are in public webspace directories, such as with this link:

"tirpakma" is my user name and sample is the name of the public directory I created.
The "%20" indicates the space that is in the file name. To make direct linking to files easier, simplify file names!

I plan to do another instructable on using your webspace account to host a public website (basically, by uploading linked html files to a public webspace directory) - but this should get you started.

Adding Photos to Your Map Marker

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A little more straight-forward, you can add photos to your map markers. Click add next to photos.

Upload Photos

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Upload the photos you want to share - you can also add titles and descriptions and re-order them later . . .

You Got It!

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Check it out - a map marker with an additional web link, email link, and a photo - nice work!

Look forward to seeing some cool map markers from CRPers soon!