How to Use Wled RGB Controller

by Jugaad it yourself in Circuits > LEDs

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How to Use Wled RGB Controller

#WLED #Jugaadityourself #RGB DIY RGB Controller | WLED WIFI RGB controller | Opensource

Hello everyone hope everyone is doing absolutely fine &
safe in the ongoing Pandemic

I’m extremely sorry was stuck with Work & Projects and lot of editing yet to be done

In this video I’m going to show you Wled a simple RGB Pixel controller which you can do it yourself

This is not made by me and I m not taking any ownership of this work just going to help you out

To get this done for you so . If you like this Project please subscribe to my channel and and you can show some

love to the Maker of the Project by donating

WLED is open source software. It was written by an awesome developer named Aircoookie.
WLED was written to run on ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers to help with controlling “NeoPixel” (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812, APA102) LEDs. When installed on a microcontroller such as the ESP8266,

WLED runs a web server that can be controlled by an iOS or Android app, API, MQTT, Blynk, Alexa .

If you are familiar with Arduino and microcontrollers this would be a piece of cake

even if not you will still get to somewhere by following this instructables


  • WS2812FX library integrated for over 100 special effects
  • FastLED noise effects and 50 palettes
  • Modern UI with color, effect and segment controlsSegments to set different effects and colors to parts of the LEDsSettings page - configuration over networkAccess Point and station mode - automatic failsafe APSupport for RGBW strips16 user presets to save and load colors/effects easily,
  • Supports cycling through them.Macro functions to automatically execute API callsNightlight function (gradually dims down)Full OTA software updatability (HTTP + ArduinoOTA), password protectableConfigurable analog clock + support for the Cronixie kit by DiamexConfigurable Auto Brightness limit for safer operation


1)ESP8266 Board nodemcu/Wemos D1 mini

2)The software I used to flashor burn the fileESP8266 is called NodeMCU PyFlasher. marcelstoer(developer) for building it. ihave put the file in the instructables

3)micro usb cable

4)umper wires if you don't want to solder

5) Power supply 5V 3Amps

6)Female power cable

7)WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812 RGB strips( im using WS2811 leds)

7)A small plastic casing(Optional)

Setting Up Your ESP8266 Board


First thing need to Install the Drivers for Your board

Usually the boards have CH340 Chip drivers

you can download and install it from here.


Install WLED on ESP8266

pyflasher copy.jpg

The software I used to flash/burn my Wemos d1 is NodeMCU PyFlasher. Thanks to marcelstoer for building it.

its really easy to use software

Once installed now go to Wled

from there download the .bin file from the releases for ESP8266

once you download the .bin file

flash that on your esp8266 using the Pyflasher please check the images for refrence( keep everything as it is

if you are using the same board like me )

on the PY flasher select the Com port and select the file location

Keep the Baude rate at 115200

flash mode DIO

You can select radio button yes Wipes all data

with this you can delete if any previous written data which is there on the board

then click on Flash Node MCU.

Once everything is flashed successfully you will

get a

message "Firmware successfully flashed please unpung and replug the device.


Diagram copy.jpg

In this project Im using Ws2811 led which has three pin

Voltage + ,GND -, & Data in

Connect the wiring as i have shown in the diagram

PLEASE note don't connect USB & external power at the same time on the board

Its recommended to power your board & Leds using external power supply

of 5V.

Initial Setup


Once the circuit is made and

Connect to the Power socket and connect the Leds

And go to your Wi-Fi connection on your Phone or PC

You will see Wled-AP default password is wled1234 all lower case

We will get an option of setup screen

Need to enter WIFI user name
& wifi password

Also assign a static gateway

And the click on save

The page will close and your phone will connect back to your home network

install Wled APP from Play store or Apple store

then click on Discover lights will get an option, you will see an option

go to led setup and enter the number leds you want to connect

in my case I have 38 kept the Brightness to 255

As an experiment I have put 1500MA current supply

You can mention more if you have a beefy power supply

You can select the color wheel

You can divide segment I made two segments of 19 each

Go in to effects to see all the cool effects


If you want to support the developer you can do that on the
Git hub page

And follow me on my instagram and Youtube channel & instructables

Everyone you see below arethe Contributors :

8bitbrett made the WiFi auto connect QR code with the Aircoookie/WLED logo! adamo made the animated Discord server logo! @debsahu provided the HomeAssistant autodiscovery and a lot of help with PIO!

@frenck made an amazing, stable and feature-packed native integration with HomeAssistant!

@photocromax is helping bringing the Live visualization feature to life and added GIF previews to the doc!

@raymiec is currently working on creating the best clients for Android and iOS!

@StormPie, the creator of the awesome mobile UI!

@timothybrown added MQTT authentication!

@viknet365 ported the Meteor effect!

@wiesendaniel added the configuration for the PlatformIO IDE!

@YeonV provided the initial HomeAssistant MQTT light config!

This list is incomplete.

Testing, Contributors and Supporters

47 Products

Achmed E.

Allan McN.

Andreas R.

Andrew G.

Andrew M.

Andries F.

Andy C.

Anton A.

Bernhard S.

Brendan W.

Brett H.

Brian N.

Bryan H.

Christian K.

Cody M.



Dale L.


David C.

David M.


Dennis H.

Dinos P.

Donn L.

Duane B.



DrZzs (Justin A.)

Dylan L.


Eric N.

Eric P.

Eric Z.



Fabian N.

Felix S.


Gary O.

Geert De V.

George V.

Graham W.

Gunnar B.

Håkan H.

App.doNotProcessConnectivityEvents = true; Heiko

Hermann S.

Horst F. M. @illuxions


Jacob D.

James W.

Jason C.

Jason S.


Jeremy D.

Jim P.


John B.

Jon D.

Jordan A.

Jordan J.

Joseph S.

Josh A.

Josh G.


Justin K.


Kjell-Einar A.

Laurence C.

Leonhard A.

Leonhard S.


Marc H.

Marc R.

Marcus S.

Mario F. S.

Mark S.

Mark V.

Martin B.

Martin H.

Martin L.

Michael A.

Michael B.

Michael E.

Michael E.

Michael E.

Max H.

Menno V.

Nathan Y.

Niels L.

Nigel H.

Pascal B.

Pascal L.


Paul B.

Paul-Christiaan D.

Paul H.


Petru F.



Ralph U.

Ralph W.

Ramon H.

Raoul T.

Rob K.

Rüdiger H.

Ruperto C.

Scott B.

Scott F.

Self (Discord @tube)

Sergio M.

Stefan S.


Steve O.


S M Ark.


Teemu H.

Thomas E.

Thomas S.

Timothy M.

Timothy L.

Tobias B.


Tyler R.

Valère M.

Volker B.

Vyacheslav A.

Xavier A. A.


Used Libraries and Dependencies

ESP8266/ESP32 Arduino Core

NeoPixelBus by Makuna (svenihoney fork)

FastLED library

ESPAsyncTCP by me-no-dev

ESPAsyncUDP by me-no-dev (as of 0.9.0)

ESPAsyncWebServer by me-no-dev

ArduinoJSON by bblanchon

async-mqtt-client by marvinroger

WS2812FX by kitesurfer1404 (modified)

IRremoteESP8266 by markszabo (optional)

Timezone by JChristensen

Blynk library (compacted)

E1.31 library by forkineye (modified)

Espalexa by Aircoookie (modified)

Many included FastLED effects are modified versions of kriegsman's gists!

WebServer_tng by bbx10 (ESP32, up to 0.8.3) PubSubClient by knolleary (modified, up to 0.8.3)