How to Use Mac Terminal, and How to Use Key Functions

by Kain35 in Circuits > Apple

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How to Use Mac Terminal, and How to Use Key Functions

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We will be showing you how to open the MAC Terminal. We will also be showing you a few features within the Terminal, such as ifconfig, changing directories, accessing files, and arp. Ifconfig will allow you to check your IP address, and your MAC address. This is useful for setting up a new device on a network. Changing directories inside the Terminal can be useful as a more effective way to find document, and folders inside of your computer instead of searching through all of your folders.

Accessing the Terminal

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1) Press command + space bar

2) Type Terminal

3) Press Enter

Using the Ifconfig Command to Gather Network Info Such As IP Address or MAC Address

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1) Type "Ifconfig" into the Terminal then press enter

3) Your IP Address will be shown at inet (As highlighted in the second picture)

4) Your Mac Address will be shown at ether (As highlighted in the third picture)

Using the Cd Command to Navigate Through Your Directories Ex: Downloads, Desktop, Pictures

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1) Type "clear" then press enter to move all information up and off the screen before the next step, it allows you to take the clutter away of unwanted information

2) Type "cd ~/downloads" then press enter and this will move you to your download’s directory

4) Type "ls" into the Terminal then press enter in order to display the files located within that directory(Downloads)

(HINT: Make sure you use an L and not an i)

4) you may also use "cd .." to navigate back to the top directory to be able to move into another

Using the Arp Command to Show a Table of Devices With Their Corresponding IP and MAC Address

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1) Type "clear" then press enter to move all information up and off the screen to start fresh

2) Type "arp -a" then press enter this will show you devices connected to your network and their corresponding IP and MAC addresses

(HINT: Make sure you put a space in between arp and -a)