How to Turn an Air Fryer a Working 3d Printed Saw

by hmartin22 in Workshop > 3D Printing

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How to Turn an Air Fryer a Working 3d Printed Saw


A while ago our air fryer broke and I took it apart to see if there were any pieces I could use to make something cool I found a heating fan which I used, and I threw away everything else except for the power cord with the on button attached. I then attached the cords to the heating fan and pressed the on button, which surprisingly worked! The fan began spinning at a very high speed. I started testing with these wires and motors to see what would happen. For the first test, I attached the wires to a small DC motor (not a good idea do not try this!) and turned it on. The motor exploded and shot sparks all over my room which scared me badly. I was scared to experiment more with these wires but I did anyway. I knew the original motor was safe to use so I secured the wires with tape and experimented more. I ended up figuring out that the smaller the object on the motor was the faster it would spin and the larger it was the slower it would spin. So I began testing with my 3d printing failures. One scrap from a failed 3d printed vase had teeth like a gear it was thin and I wondered if it would work like a saw. It did and it cut a 3d printed bench in half! The saw blade looked great it only lost two teeth and had some melted filament on the edge of it but otherwise it looked great which was surprising to me because I had thought that it would break but somehow it worked. Next, I took measurements of this motor and designed an enclosure in Tinkercad. I also created and 3D printed a sawblade for the motor.



LB-6125 motor, or a broken Air Fryer

A caple that can plug into an outlet

A power source

And a 3d printer with filament


To assemble wire motor to the wires that can be plugged in, then put the 3D printed blade on the shaft. Then screw on the nut and slide the housing down on top and you are ready to start sawing!


When using the saw, wear eye protection and be careful.