How to Solder (THT)
When it comes to building electronics projects, No matter how hard you try you can't escape the part of Soldering components together. So in this tutorial, I will show how to Solder THT Components.
So let's get Started!
Watch the Video !
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Everything We Need
Let's start by taking a look at all the tools we need,
1) Solder Iron or Solder Station - If you are beginners then in my recommendation just get the soldering iron but on the other hand, a Solder Station is always a better idea because you can control the temperature of your solder Iron.
2) SolderTips - Solder tips come in various shapes and size but we only need two of them
a) Conical tip or a Pointed tip
b) Slant tip or a Screwdriver tip
as we know more the surface area more heat will get transfer so slant tip is used to solder thick wires such as 2.5, And a Conical tip is used for soldering fragile components such as IC's (Just of understanding).
3) Solder - To solder, we Obviously need solder which has a Lead and Lead-Free type and always get Rosin core solder or flux core solder so you don't have to deal with applying solder flux manually. Also, make a note always use thin solder wire such as 0.5mm in diameter.
1) Helping hands - Little guys help a whole lot when soldering
2) Exhaust fan - Solder fumes can create health issues so it's a good idea to have one around.
3) Safety goggles - Little molten bits of solder tend to fly out of the soldering joint when you're feeding in the solder, and if it landed in your eye it wouldn't feel too good.
What Is THT ?
Now let's say you want to solder a resistor, So you have to bend its leads and pass it through holes of PCB, and not only resistor let it be capacitor MOSFET or an IC all will have leads which are placed in the holes and Soldered.
Because we use THT Soldering for almost everything whose name says Through Hole Technology, and speaking about the components.
Most IC's have DIP form which stands for dual Inline Package and there also exists SIP form (Single Inline Package) and as you can tell DIP has leads on both sides and SIP has them on One side. Numeric followed by the DIP and SIP indicates Number of leads IC has.
Cleaning the Surfaces & Iron
The first step is to make sure we have clean surfaces, if the PCB is not clean, take some isopropyl alcohol and wipe. We also want to make sure our soldering iron tip is clean, use the sponge or brass sponge to clean the tip.
Soldering !
Now place the components in there desired place and follow these steps for soldering,
- Set temperature in between 320-380C (600-700F)
- Apply a bit of solder to the tip
- Place the tip in a way such a way that it touches the pads as well as the leads
- Apply solder to the leads and not on the iron.
- Make sure your solder looks like a pyramid shape and not a blob.
​Inspection of Solder Joint.
Once done make sure your solder looks like a Pyramid. It should have a shiny surface. A non Shiny surface means cold solder which is unreliable and can give unwanted results.
Thank You !
That's it for this tutorial guys, If you like my work
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