How to Shoot a Free Throw

by zjohnson25 in Outside > Sports

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How to Shoot a Free Throw

step 9.JPG

Want to learn a new skill? What about just to be able to beat your brother or sister in a game of horse. Learn how to shoot a free throw.

Get a Ball and a Gym

step 1.JPG

Find the Free Throw Line

step 2.JPG

Line Your Feet Up

step 3.JPG

Slightly Bend Your Knees

step 4.JPG

Do Your Dribble Routine

step 5.JPG

Hold the Ball in a Shooting Position

step 6.JPG

Look at Your Target

step 7.JPG

Stand on Your Tippy Toes

step 8.JPG

Shoot the Ball

step 10.JPG

Hold Your Follow Through

step 10.JPG

I hope you enjoyed learning how to shoot a free throw, now you have a new skill that you can beat everyone in the gym with!