How to Setup MiniDSP
In this instructable, I am going to explain how to setup the MiniDSP 6x8. This has 6 inputs, and 8 outputs. It does an amazing job at taking regular music and turning it into a masterpiece. Let me show you how to wire it up and use the software!
Hooking Up Your Inputs!!
In this step, you will be hooking up the inputs. This model has 4 RCA inputs, so I chose to use the LandR mid outputs on my headunit and the subwoofer LandR output on the headunit. This allows the mid range and subwoofer range frequencies come into the processor to be processed. It does not matter what outputs on the source you are using, you just want to be sure it includes the entire frequency range, so that you can include all the frequencies in your processing.
Hooking Up Your Outputs!!
In this step we hook up the outputs. This allows the signals that have been processed to go the amplifiers. In my case, I was using a 4 channel amplifier and a mono block subwoofer amplifier. For my outputs I used an RCA for the RL speaker, RR speaker, FL speaker, FR speaker, Subwoofer L, and Subwoofer R. This allowed my processed frequencies to go into each speaker input seperately on the amps, giving me total control of my sound.
Wiring the Power Harness
For this step, I had to hook up 4 wires to complete this harness. I used the power wire distribution block for the 12v, the ground distribution block for the ground, and piggybacked the remote turn on wire from my 4ch amp, then used the remote wire output to go to my subwoofer amp. This allowed all of my system to be wired together. However, be VERY cautious when wiring up everything. If not, it can cause unwanted noise. It can cause hissing, or alternator whine. Try to keep the RCA cables separate from the power and ground cables and keep cables from crossing.
Connecting the Software to the Processor!!
In this step, I am going to assume that you have already downloaded and installed the required software onto your computer or laptop. Now you will open up the application and hit the connect button I have circled above. This connects the processor to the software and allows changes to be made.
Setting the Input Labels!!
For this step, you have to be careful. If you aren't sure of which RCA you hooked up where, now is the time to check. What you do is Label each input according what you have coming from the headunit. For example, on this photo, I put the L Subwoofer output from headunit into input 1 on processor. So I labeled input 1 as subL. That way when we get to routing, and outputs I know exactly where everything is going. I did the same thing for all 4 inputs.
Setting the Output Labels!!
Again, on this step you have to know where your output RCA cables are going into your amps. On my setup for example, I sent the output 1 to the Front L input of my 4 channel amp. I did that same theory across all of the outputs just like the inputs. This allows me to know where each of these sections are going. So if I make a change on the Front L settings, it will change the way the Front L speaker sounds. I left the last 2 outputs blank and muted them, as I did not use them in my application.
How to Setup the Routing!!
Routing is where the processed sound goes. Basically, it is telling the inputs what outputs to go to. You can look at the photo and see what I did. That will better explain it than I can. It is tricky when you first see it but easy once you understand it. Basically I set the Mid L to go into the front and rear L, and the Mid R to go into the front and rear R, and the Sub L and Sub R to both go to the sub.
How to Change Eq!!
To change the eq settings, you just click the PEQ button under the speaker you want to change. It will bring up an eq like the one pictured. The multicolored bars at the bottom are the eq bands. You can set them to whatever frequencies you desire. With each band you can increase the gain, or decrease the gain. This will cause a rise or lowering in the sound in the section around that specific band. It is best to lower the gain, as turning it up can cause distortion and ruin the sound. There is also an option in the bottom right corner to bypass the Eq if you wish to not use it.
Setting Crossover Points!!
I set my crossover points before I adjusted the Eq. It is a very easy concepts. Basically this tells the speaker what frequencies to play. On the sub I cut the high frequencies out, and depending on the front or rear speakers I cut some of the lows and some of the highs, as I have a set of tweeters that I do not have going through this processor. If you look at the crossover chart, there is overlap of the frequencies so all of them are addressed, and none are left out.
Once you have done all of these things, the setup is complete. This is the basics to get you started. Now you can adjust the EQ, and crossover settings to your liking and sit back and enjoy the sound!!