How to Set Up a Tropical Aquarium

For anyone interested in the fish-keeping hobby, here is a beginner’s guide to building your very own aquarium!
- Aquarium Tank
- Aquarium Tank stand that corresponds with your tank size
- Bucket (at least 10 gallons)
- Aquatic Substrate (Sand/Soil/Gravel)
- Hang On Back Filter system
- Aquarium Heater
- Air Stone/Sponge Filter + Air Tubing + Aquarium Air Pump (for additional surface agitation)
- Aquarium hood/lid + light
- Water De-chlorinator, Beneficial Bacteria Starter
- Paper Towels / Microfiber Cloth
- Surge Protector
- Decor of your choosing
Assemble the Aquarium Stand in the Desired Location, and Place the Empty Aquarium on the Aquarium Stand.

(IMPORTANT: Be sure that you have access to electrical outlets when choosing the location for your aquarium).
Wet a Paper Towel/microfiber Cloth With Water and Wipe Down the Aquarium to Clean Off Any Dust or Debris.

Pour the Substrate Inside Your Bucket and Rinse It With Water Until It Runs Clear, to Remove Any Lingering Debris (this Will Help Avoid Cloudy Water in Your Aquarium). Then Pour the Substrate Into the Aquarium and Level It Evenly Throughout the Tank.

Rinse With Water Any Aquarium Decor You May Have in Order to Remove Any Dust or Debris. Then Position the Decor Inside the Aquarium in Your Desired Location.

Take One End of Your Air Tubing and Connect It to the Air Stone. Then Take the Opposite End of the Air Tubing and Connect It to the Aquarium Air Pump. Place Air Stone Beneath the Substrate in Your Desired Location.

Place the Aquarium Heater Inside of the Tank in Your Desired Location Using the Suction Cups That Come Attached With the Aquarium Heater. Set the Heater to the Appropriate Temperature for the Fish You Will Be Keeping.

Fill Up the Bucket With Water, and Fill Up the Tank Leaving 1 Inch of Space From the Top of the Tank.

(IMPORTANT: Be sure to fill the tank slowly to avoid stirring up the substrate and causing murky water).
Assemble Hang on Back Filter and Rinse Your Filter Media With Water to Remove Any Dust and Debris. Then Place the Filter on the Aquarium.

Place the Aquarium Hood on Top of the Tank. Then Plug in Your Heater, Aquarium Pump, Filter, and Aquarium Hood Light Into Your Surge Protector.

Once the Filter Is Running, Add in Water De-chlorinator and Beneficial Bacteria Starter.

Your Fish Tank Is Now Complete!