How to Re-ink a Typewriter Ribbon.

by RequiemScrc in Living > Life Hacks

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How to Re-ink a Typewriter Ribbon.


Love your old typing technology but hate the cost and waste of upkeep on ribbons? Well time to add new life to the old ones!

What You Will Need.


To do this you will need:

  • fountain pen India ink. (mine was simple black and non waterproof I have not not tried others)
  • a paint brush.
  • Exhausted ribbon.



Wind the spools evenly, so it is give or take an even amount of tape between the two. You are going to be painting them so this will help with even absorbing and faster dry time. I made that mistake the first time around and got a half renewed ribbon.

Now paint on the India ink slowly and let it soak into the layers of the ribbon. You do not want to just dunk it in ink. You will know when you are done when both spools are damp and a bite more weighty. If you make them drip fear not, this just means a longer dry time.

Now wait for it to dry and.....



Put your ribbon back in that glorious machine and type away!