How to Potty Train a Puppy

by laurameyer0535 in Living > Pets

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How to Potty Train a Puppy

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Who doesn’t love puppies? They can be an adorable addiction to your household. However, one big factor tends to steer others away from adopting. That factor is potty training. A newly born puppy will guarantee at least a few accidents in your home. Regardless of how inconvenient their messes may be, there are steps you can take to quickly house break your new family member.

How Often Should You Let Them Out?


Depending how old your puppy is, try taking them out every 1-2 hours, or 30 minutes after eating or drinking. If it’s nighttime, wake them up every 2-3hours to let them out. This will ensure no accidents while you’re asleep. Puppies have very small bladders and aren’t able to hold in as much as an adult dog.

Positive Reinforcement


When you take your puppy outside, remember to bring treats. Treats are a good way to reward your pup whenever they do a behavior you like or approve. Remember to say “good job,” or “Yes!” whenever they do potty outside. They’ll learn that those words mean praise, therefore enforcing the good behavior.

How to React to an Accident


If they do have an accident inside calmly take them outside, then praise and offer a treat for going in the right place. Do not yell at them. Punishing your puppy by rubbing their nose in their urine will not help. When they do have an accident, clean the mess thoroughly. If they smell their urine on the floor they may be tempted to use the potty there again.


potty training

In conclusion puppies can be a lot of work. Never the less, you need to have patience with them and show a lot of praise and love when practicing good behaviors. Potty training can take time, but these tips will help ensure a past leaning process.