How to Overclock a CPU

by crafty_toto03 in Circuits > Computers

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How to Overclock a CPU


Majority of people in the United States have a desktop or laptop that they use for work/school, but although these devices can be fast, some programs require a higher speed than what the devices are designed to run at. What most people don't know is that you can make your computer run faster without damaging the interior hardware.


You will need:

- Windows computer

- Mouse and Keyboard

- A program to check your computer's current, voltage, CPU clock-speed, and CPU temperature (NZXT Cam, Core Temp, Speed Fan)

- A program to stress (push to max ability) your computer (Core Temp, Prime 95, IntelBurn Test)

- Something to take notes on.

- A Calculator

Note: This will not work with a very select few of intel processors.

Checking Your Processor

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Note: processor need to be from Ryzen or be from Intel(K). If your processor is from Ryzen it is safe to proceed to the next steps but if it's from Intel it is crucial that it has the letter “K” after the type of processor. This is how we do the following:

1. Once the computer is started hit the windows icon at the bottom left of the desktop or on the keyboard

2. Once the windows menu is open type in system OR hit settings button, then system.

3. Once the system is open look for the word processor and check to see if the processor is within the criteria. (Ryzen Processor or Intel with the letter “K” in the name). Note the CPU’s Clock speed (X.XX GHz)

Checking Current CPU Thresholds

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Important: Pushing the CPU speed further than 10% of its original capacity can be risky. We strongly recommend that you do not exceed this limit.

1. Clear any other programs that might be running. Using one of the listed programs, check current CPU’s clock speed, temperature, and voltage at 0-10% load (NZXT Cam shown above) and take note of all of them.

2. While keeping the previous program open follow the stressing program’s directions and note all of the specifications at 100% load (although we strongly recommend you do not exceed 10%.)

Changing the Clock Speed

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In order to finally change the clock speed of the computer we have to open the BIOS menu. It is important to know that all BIOS menus differ from manufacturer to manufacturer so steps will only be relatively the same but not exact. This is how we do the following:

1. Step one restart the computer and hit the delete key repeatedly until a menu different from your home screen pops up.

2. All menus differ but we should be looking for something called “Advanced Frequency Settings.” (see image above.)

3. From this setting we need to look for the words “Clock ratio” and the numbers should align with the clock speed from step 1. (see image above.)

4. You can now safely change this number from the original number to up to 10% percent higher. From there you can save and exit.