How to Monitor Ultrasonic Distance With ESP8266 and AskSensors IoT Cloud

by askSensors in Circuits > Arduino

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How to Monitor Ultrasonic Distance With ESP8266 and AskSensors IoT Cloud

Distance monitoring With ESP8266 & IoT platform.png

This instructable presents how to monitor the distance from an object using ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor and ESP8266 node MCU connected to the AskSensors IoT cloud.

Material We Need

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-08 at 17.56.33.jpeg

We will need the following Hardware:

  • ESP8266 Node MCU
  • Ultrasonic HC-SR04 Sensor
  • Bread Board
  • Jumper wires
  • Micro USB cable

Build Your Hardware

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-08 at 17.50.54.jpeg

Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the ESP8266 node MCU:

  • HC-SR01 TRIG pin to ESP8266 D1 pin
  • HC-SR01 ECHO pin to ESP8266 D2 pin
  • HC-SR01 VCC pin to 5V (you can also try with 3.3V)
  • Ground to ground

Note:The ESP8266 GPIOs require 3V3 signals (not 5V tolerent). For quick hack, if you are using the HC-SR (5V version), we highly recommend to add a serial resistor between the HC-SR TRIG and ECHO pins and the ESP8266 pins. However, for production, a 3V3/5V level shifter is needed (check this page).

Otherwise, The ESP8266 is compatible with HC-SR 3V3 version and no level shifter is needed in this case.

AskSensors Setup

Download the Code

Download the code from the AskSensors github Page.

Decompress it and fill the following informations:

const char* wifi_ssid = "....................";             // SSID
const char* wifi_password = "....................";         // WIFI 
const char* apiKeyIn = "..................";      // API KEY IN

Run the Code


Connect the ESP8266 to your computer and upload the code.

Now, Go to your AskSensors dashboard.

Open your sensor page and add a new graph to visualize your data stream in real time as shown in the enclosed figure.